Compiled by Calvin Capps ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 07:36) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 07:38) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 07:39) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 07:39) (USS Paladin - Outside the Quarters of Sam Moto- Security Officer, Ens(sg) Natalie Minchin - 0746) (USS Paladin - Deck 18 - Fabrication Engineering, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 09:45) (Beta Aquari III - Main Hall - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1611) (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1612) (Beta Aquari III – En Route to Research Labs – Levi Walsh – 1613) (USS Ticonderoga - Muster deck - 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Darren Jackson, SMEF- 1615) (Beta Aquari III - Shuttle - CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller - 1620) (Beta Aquari III - Main Research Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1620) (Beta Aquari III – Transport Vehicle – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1620) (Beta Aquari III, Transport Vehicle - Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - 1622) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1623) (USS Ticonderoga - Muster deck - 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Darren Jackson, SMEF- 1625) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1626) (Beta Aqauari III - Forest - Agent - 1630) (USS Paladin - Personal Quarters - ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron - 1631) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1633) (USS Paladin - Shuttle Bay 1 - OPS Elizabeth Knightley - 1645) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1649) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1650) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1650) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenatn (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:52) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1652) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 16:54) (USS Paladin, Strategic Operations, CO Captain Eva Straton, 16:54) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1655) (USS Paladin, Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:55) (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 16:57) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee, ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee, ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar, and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 16:58) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering LT JG Steven Matrix - 16:58) (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1658) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron - 1659) (USS Paladin - Impulse Engine Control - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1659) (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt. Commander Sarouk, 17:00) (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1700) (USS Oxford - Deck 1, Bridge - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:00) (USS Paladin – Main Engineering – ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron – 1701) (USS Paladin – Holodeck 16 – ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix – 1702) (Beta Aquari III - Criminal investigators office - TAC/SC Kerge - 17:03) (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1703) (Beta Aquari III - Northern perimeter - MCO Conner Tirrel - 17:04) (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1704) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1704) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - LT JG Steven Matrix - 1704) (USS Paladin - Impulse Engine Control - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1704) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee, ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee, ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar, and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 17:05) (Beta Aquari III - Governor's Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1705) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital, administrators office- CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller- 1706) (USS Oxford - Deck 1, Bridge - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:10) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 17:10) (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1710) (USS Paladin, Bridge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1710) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1711) (USS Paladin - Brig - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:12) (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1712) (USS Paladin, Bridge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1712) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1721) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1730) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1740) (Beta Aquari III – Hospital Labs – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1745) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1832) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1834) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1836) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1838) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller- 1840) (Beta Aquari III - Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1845) (Beta Aquari III - Labs - Mission CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1850) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1851) (Beta Aquari III - Labs - Mission CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1852) (Beta Aquari III - Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1855) (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACMO Ensign (JG) Nissa Whetari and Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - 1920) (Beta Aquari III - Main Research Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 2000) (Beta Aquari III – Research Labs – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2130) (Beta Aquari III – Alsatian Peaks – NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2220) (Beta Aquari III – Outlying City – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2200) (Beta Aquari III – Outlying City – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2230) (Beta Aquari III – Alsatian Peaks – NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2245) (Beta Aquari III – Atrium– NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2250) (Beta Aquari III – Science labs – NPC Lab Technician Loela Chenault– 2315) (Beta Aquari III – Private residence - NPC's Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2340) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 07:36) Eva looked up from her screen as Lt's Brownlee and Matrix entered the Ready Room. She shut her terminal screen off, as she turned to give her full attention to her two officers. "Captain," Brownlee said, "we have come up with a solution on how to scan the anomaly." "Well, let hear it," Eva replied, motioning for him to continue. "Lt. Matrix," Brownlee said, "it was your idea. I believe you are better qualified to explain it." "Captain, I believe we can launch a series of class one probes and cluster their telemetry to cut through the event horizon phenomenon." Matrix continued, "Given the interference we're seeing with the ships scanners I think this is the best course of action, short of taking the Paladin closer." Eva considered the idea silently for a moment. "Alright," She said, "Lets give it a try. Have you been able to determine if the anomaly is a natural or artificial phenomenon or exactly how it is disrupting our scans? If it is artificial, and the result of something being done by forces loyal to Doenitz, our probes could precipitate an attack." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 07:38) Joran walked in, and stood at attention. "Captain," he said, "we have come up with a solution on how to scan the anomaly." "Well, let's hear it," she replied, motioning for him to continue. "Lt. Matrix," he said, "it was your idea. I believe you are better qualified to explain it." "Captain, I believe we can launch a series of class one probes and cluster their telemetry to cut through the event horizon phenomenon." Matrix continued, "Given the interference we're seeing with the ships scanners I think this is the best course of action, short of taking the Paladin closer." Straton considered the idea silently for a moment. "Alright," She said, "Lets give it a try. Have you been able to determine if the anomaly is a natural or artificial phenomenon or exactly how it is disrupting our scans? If it is artificial, and the result of something being done by forces loyal to Doenitz, our probes could precipitate an attack." "Though scans were inconclusive, it seems to be a naturally occuring phenomenon. I also have an alternative in case the probe fails. We can, with your permission, sir, rig up a few cloaking devices on some of the fighters and use them as a manned probe to scan beyond the anomaly. Do you have any questions?" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 07:39) "Though scans were inconclusive," Brownlee said, "It seems to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. I also have an alternative in case the probe fails. We can, with your permission, sir, rig up a few cloaking devices on some of the fighters and use them as a manned probe to scan beyond the anomaly. Do you have any questions?" "Alright," Eva said, with a slight nod. "Lets hope the probes work. I don't like the idea of having our fighters in such a vulnerable position. I will discuss the matter with Commander Rulestaad and see what we can do about providing back up for the fighters incase unfriendly's are indeed hiding behind that anomaly. Keep me informed." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Ready Room, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 07:39) "Thank you Captain, I'm certain we can get the telemetry we need. We shouldn't need to expose our fighters. If we can't do this with the probes I may have another idea." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Outside the Quarters of Sam Moto- Security Officer, Ens(sg) Natalie Minchin - 0746) Nat saw Sam smile. It made her jump in the air and do three turnovers - in her head of course. In reality she just smiled back gently. “it is a good pen isn’t it? Maybe I should have taken it with me.” Trying to make small talk was not Sam’s strong point - Nat could tell, “would you like to come in?” Nat looked down to the ground and then back up again. She looked around the corridor... ~What do I do...?~ She thought. In her head she had only managed to get as far as getting to Sams door. Now she didn't have an action plan - she was flying solo. She became scared, she didn't like flying solo. Her eyes widened and she began to hope for an exit. "I'm sorry Sam. I've got to go, I have... this thing to do.. Before me shift" She muttered before giving him an apologetic look and then running off down the corridor. ~Damn, what did I just do. He'll never ask you, if you keep running away you big balloon! - He wont want to be your friend if you keep doing this..~ (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 18 - Fabrication Engineering, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 09:45) Matrix had been in the fabrication lab for the past two hours testing the replication techniques for the probes required, programming the telemetry and testing the clustering matrix. Seven probes were anticipated for the mission. Matrix had completed his best programming task in a long time and was hopeful his suggestion, expertise and creativity would pay off, but he needed his engineering staff to pull this off. This wasn't a trivial task and it demanded teamwork to pull this off. He didn't want to leave anything to chance. ~Time to get the team here and get this rolling.~ =^=Matrix to Ensign Durron, Tristen and Rathyn. Please report to fabrication engineering immediately.=^= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Main Hall - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1611) Though she was unsure of who to accompany as she confusedly follow Dr. Keller, Nissa neared K'Palla, who was standing near her, speak. "I will see you in Ten-Forward later, Nissa. I think we will both need a drink after this is over!" The Klingon woman said with a slight grin. "Agreed - Good luck and stay safe, K'Palla." Nissa replied with a soft nod, still looking a bit unsure of where she was going. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1612) Calvin and Governor Simmons made it to the office. There were piles of items on the desk, that sat in front of a window that overlooked a better part of the city. The Governor went behind his desk while Calvin took one of the seats in front of it. Simmons quickly did away with a few of the items, but most of them stayed where they were. Calvin wasted no time. He placed a PADD in front of the Governor. "It is fortunate that we may talk in person. Our conversations getting cut off began to become tiresome. I used the information that you have given me to deploy most of the available Marines to key sections. They have also been placed in the areas that you have already began to see rioting." Governor Simmons did not look pleased. "That is too many. I want my people to be safe, but this seems like you are here to take over. The amount of people you brought might scare the people. I know you are trying to help, and I want your help. But this looks overboard." "Governor Simmons I first assure you that we are not here to take over. Secondly, there is already fear in your people. If entire cities began to revolt or riot we will need enough forces to stop it. Governor, I have seen people turn on their governments before. We will need a large force." Calvin made his argument. The governor sighed loudly. "I will not stand down from my original thought, but... I will trust you. So it seems you have covered security." "Yes, and Dr. Keller, Dr. O'Shea and the rest of their team are capable of helping your medical staff in every way. I am sorry to hear about Dr. Haegele." Calvin said sympathetic. "Me too. He was a friend, but maybe more importantly now he was the best man we had. He began the research on the plague from the start. He had the most knowledge of it. I know he had some of his notes and research with him when the accident happened. All of it was lost in the fire." To Calvin the governor seemed to get a little less optimistic when he brought up Dr. Haegele. Perhaps the governor was close with him. "Governor, Dr. Walsh seemed very capable,a nd I am sure he will be able to help my team find that research, and help them any other way they may need." "We have many councilors in our fleet. We will be willing to bring them down to talk to your people, talk with your staff, and to provide some comfort if possible if you wish." "That would seem appropriate." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – En Route to Research Labs – Levi Walsh – 1613) “Sir, at this stage of the virus, can you tell us approximately how long it takes for the patient to expire once they are infected?” The Klingon asked. Levi walked as he talked to the Science Officer. “You really don’t need to call me sir. But.” Walsh paused and thought for a second. “Very close to 36 to 48 hrs.” “And how long did it take when the plague began?” she asked. “It is closer to 24 hrs now. It seems to be getting faster and more aggressive.” (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Ticonderoga - Muster deck - 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Darren Jackson, SMEF- 1615) The metallic clank of Joe's booted feet on the deck plating as he stalked before his squad reverberated through the "Sodhopper" transport as they prepared to enter the planets atmosphere. Gunnery Sergeant "Ghandi" Fillmore and his heavy artillery jarheads were nearby. Conners, Nemiz, Bengle, Stephenson, Sarel and Pettigrew along with fourteen others stood rigidly before him in BDU, their Pallas helmets gleamed in the places where paint had been chipped or burned away by shrapnel or phaser fire, exposing the metal beneath. From one battle to another they had been transported, getting a bit of rest here and there as they traveled through space from one hotbed to another. Sometimes in space, sopmetimes on a spot of dirt in the galaxy. In the months that this squad had been together he had honed a misfit group of deserters from Doenitz's Federation and leftovers from other recon squads into a cohesive unit. Their gear was strapped to their BDU. Conners carried the comm equipment, a mobile base in essence with a powerful sending unit that could rival the one on the transport, Nemiz had the battelfield scanning equipment that was shielded against anything short of an EMP burst created by an atomic blast. Bengle and Stephenson carried modified Mark III phaser rifles with sniper sights. All carried personal weapons of course, some scatterguns and some Mark III phaser rifles: Everyone with a bandolier of photon grenades. Joe himself carried a Mark III, scattergun and sidearm, one of the hand phasers with a pistol grip like the older phaser two. He also had a long blade strapped to his waist like several of the other men, while bayonets normally did little good against powered armor with the strength assist of the powerful BDU and if you could find a weak spot... the vibranium, Duranium blades could rip through the joints and take a man out in an instant. He stopped and looked the "Hellwraiths" over, his practiced gaze taking in everything, every man had his gear tucked away, his weapons ready... "All right men, we're about to his the atmosphere, fall out and take landing positions." He saw the warning lantern out of the corner of his eye as the men took their positions, it flicked to yellow and there was a slight thump as they hit the atmosphere. ~Here we go again.~ (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Shuttle - CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller - 1620) They were over a third of the way to the hospital when Jared turned his head to look toward the marines that had gotten onto the vehicle with them. He wasn't sure of the leaders name except for Tam so he called him by his rank, he had heard other marines call him by "Gunney" but wasn't sure if that was some nickname or simply a marine affectation. "Sergeant when we get to the hospital is there any special instructions you need us to follow?" (Reply: Gunnery Sgt. Rellam Tam) "What possible problems do you expect? Or let me put it another way..." Jared said as he tried not to be impolite. "Why are you even expecting any trouble at a hospital for pity's sake? I feel strange to be walking around with a marine escort while on a medical mission, do you really think it's that unsafe here?" (Reply: Rellam Tam) "Maybe" He muttered. "I can't say as I agree but I suppose there is that possibility, I hope you're wrong." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Main Research Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1620) K'Palla followed the Doctors to the labs and was shown the research data. The Klingon knew that they had notes to compare, so she went about her business and began her own research. She requested several vials of the virus, as well as several tissue samples, one of which was her own. There were a few experiments that she wanted to perform. Once she obtained both the vials and the samples, she found a vacant experimental case that was sealed, and had rubber glove/portals so that she could handle the vials inside it. A computerized microscope was also part of the unit's workings. The Klingon's first experiment was to expose the tissue samples to the virus and watch the reaction on the microscope. "By Kahless!" K'Palla gasped as she watched the virus consume the sample in a matter of minutes. Basing the size of the sample and extrapolating the effect on a full-sized humanoid, the science officer concluded that death would come within 24 hours. K'Palla knew her own biological profile well. Klingons were a hardy race, and perhaps her own sample might prove to be resistant to the virus. If that was the case, then she could easily formulate an anti-virus vaccine from her own blood. With a hint of excitement, she quickly exposed her own sample to the virus and watched the results. ~~ Hmmm, this is not what I expected.... not at all. ~~ the Ensign thought. She then tapped her comm-badge and contacted sickbay on the Paladin. "Ensign K'Palla to Sickbay..... if possible, can you send down as many non-human tissue samples as you can obtain to my coordinates? I'm working on a theory and I need more proof!" (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Transport Vehicle – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1620) "Since you'll be at the hospital as well I'll feed my data directly to you Nissa, you can then direct it to our lovable mission CMO as you see fit. I'll keep you up to date on the condition of the patients as well, should one be about to pass on from the disease I'll notify you immediately." Dr. Keller said. Made even more queasy at the prospect of having to watch people die, even if it could provide the information that would lead to a cure, Nissa swallowed hard. She’d witnessed the death of at least a dozen patients in and out of medical school. It never seemed to get any easier, though. “Of course, Doctor.” She answered , looking around the cabin nervously. It took only moments before the doors opened and they began soaring around buildings. Always having loved rails and scenery, Nissa watched out the sun-soaked window as they sped past a beautiful landscape. "Nice view." he murmured at the alien vista of mesas and rocky gorges that made up this part of the planet. "Seems like they could have put things in a more accessible place but then again a colony puts a premium on agriculture and horticulture until it has built itself up into a self-sustaining entity, I suppose they would have steered clear of building on fertile farmland." “It is beautiful…” Nissa replied, mesmerized by the scenes that were flashing by her. She could have gone on discussing, but Dr. Keller was answering a question from Nurse Florence and then began speaking to one of the Marines that was accompanying them. Dr. Keller seemed mildly uncomfortable having the Marines joining the medical aspect of the mission, something that Nissa understood. The Marine that Dr. Keller was speaking to explain why he felt that their presence was justified. "My professional opinion is that yes, this is a dangerous situation. If the plague is as bad as the reports indicate then the possibility of rioting or loss of control is very imminent. If people start rioting due to a plague or perceived lack of available treatment, the first place they are going to congregate at are the hospitals and medical centers. You will be a prime target for any people who may demand, violently, any treatment you can give. Also, during situations like these, the less savory elements tend to come to the fore, and as medicine can be very lucrative in the crisis, the Hospital is again a prime target. Sir, everyone on this detail was at some point a part of the Ambassadorial Guard, myself for 5 years, I did this exact thing for a living. We will be discrete, and we will allow you your privacy with the patients. We won't enter patient rooms, we will stay outside of the door. But we can't simply let you or your team roam alone, you are too valuable." The Marine explained. "Maybe" Dr. Keller muttered. "I can't say as I agree but I suppose there is that possibility, I hope you're wrong." "I do too, Sir," The Marine said in a dry, emotionless tone. Fiddling with her kit, Nissa stared very deliberately out the window as they began to slow. She knew how bad these situations could get, from her limited experience during a small panic on Earth and her reading in medical history. As much as she understood Dr. Keller’s apprehension at being followed around by Marines while he cared for patients, for she shared it, her awareness at just how violent desperate people could become during a medical panic made her glad to have some protection at hand. Moments later the scenery disappeared as they entered a small tunnel that took them to a dark platform. Nissa had expected the terminal, which she assumed was at the hospital, to be as presentable as the interior of the monorail shuttle. It could have been, if it were properly lit and had been swept recently. ~I doubt that keeping this looking nice is their highest priority right now,~ she thought, also wondering if the lack of light was do to all available excess power being transferred to the hospital. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III, Transport Vehicle - Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - 1622) Rellam was intently watching his IFF scanners as well as the command channels when Lt Keller turned to him. "Sergeant when we get to the hospital is there any special instructions you need us to follow?" "All I ask is that you don't go anywhere unescorted, or at least without letting us know where you are going sir. I want to head off any problems before they can get out of hand, Sir." Rellam said without moving anything other than his head. "What possible problems do you expect? Or let me put it another way..." Jared said as he tried not to be impolite. "Why are you even expecting any trouble at a hospital for pity's sake? I feel strange to be walking around with a marine escort while on a medical mission, do you really think it's that unsafe here?" "My professional opinion is that yes, this is a dangerous situation. If the plague is as bad as the reports indicate then the possibility of rioting or loss of control is very imminent. If people start rioting due to a plague or perceived lack of available treatment, the first place they are going to congregate at are the hospitals and medical centers. You will be a prime target for any people who may demand, violently, any treatment you can give. Also, during situations like these, the less savory elements tend to come to the fore, and as medicine can be very lucrative in the crisis, the Hospital is again a prime target." Rellam said, his voice serious as it was piped through the helmets comm system. "Sir, everyone on this detail was at some point a part of the Ambassadorial Guard, myself for 5 years, I did this exact thing for a living. We will be discrete, and we will allow you your privacy with the patients. We won't enter patient rooms, we will stay outside of the door. But we can't simply let you or your team roam alone, you are too valuable." Rellam said. "Maybe" He muttered. "I can't say as I agree but I suppose there is that possibility, I hope you're wrong." "I do too, Sir," Rellam said, his voice flat, but his emotions very, very serious. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1623) Jennifer watched as Philips fighter changed course and headed for the asteroid cluster. She turned and followed. "Two this is lead what are you doing?" =^=Think I sore some thing going to have a closer look.=^= "Wait Two. Get back here." =^= I'm just .... have ..... quick .....=^= "Computer Is there a malfunction with the comm system." [The communication system is working perfectly] "Then why can't I speak to Airman Philips?" [Communications are being jammed] ~Jammed ow hell. Some thing is in there~ "Two coast, repeat coast." "Computer emergency shut down. Everything except manoeuvring thrusters." She slammed the visor of her helmet and heard it his and the sealed activated. She saw Philips fighters drop off the sensors. ~Good. That will make it harder for them to track us. If I don't run into any thing first~ (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Ticonderoga - Muster deck - 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Darren Jackson, SMEF- 1625) The lamp hit green as the transport touched down and the siren began to sound as the great doors dropped to the ground, Joe and his recon team were out first, they had landed near the government headquarters. He called out. "On the double you apes, take your positions." The buildings were several hundred feet away, Joes eyes were sweeping the field of coarse grass between them and it, his men fanning out and crouching as they ran to present a smaller target, it was almost a relief that they weren't shot at as they neared the Governors office building. "Conners you have your orders, get your gear set up inside." =/= Yes sir. I'm onfiltered=/= As they came to the building he peeled inside, Nemiz accompanying him. The rest of the Hellwraiths took up positions at the entrances to the building. Fillmore and his apes were to cordon off a perimeter. Joe tongued the HUD into life on his helmet, the green dots that were his men being displayed Real time with the walls of the building showing up as intersecting lines and three-D displays, the scanner was already operational. "Good work men, harden your positions." Joe watched silently afterward as his men continued their tasks, satisfied after a while he reported in. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1626) Jennifer slowly drifted into the asteroid cluster. She could just see Philips fighter ahead as he drifted as well. ~what the hell is he looking for~ She slowly pushed further into the cluster. She moved right and left as she manoeuvred around the floating asteroids. She saw that Philips had stopped. ~some thing must be up ahead~ She leaned as far forward as she could. As she drifted beside Philips a image began to appear in front on her. She starred at it for a moment before she was able to register what it was. ~A Steamrunner. This is not good. It must be a Doenitz scout~ She drifted down one side. She was able to see one of the pulse fire torpedo tubes. ~If it was able to get near the fleet it would do some damage before we were able to stop it. Must get back and warn the fleet~ Movement out the corner of her eye made her turn. She saw Philips fighter power up. ~no, no, no. This is a star ship~ "Computer emergency start up." She heard the computer beep in response. "Two this is One brake off. I repeat brake off. Get back to the fleet. Brake off." All she got in return was static. She glanced at the read outs. ~come on, come on. I don't have all day~ [Emergency start up complete] ~Good. About time~ She powered up the engines and shot after Philips fighter who was all ready beginning his attach run. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aqauari III - Forest - Agent - 1630) It was time for her to undercover her body with the leaves that were hiding her for the last few hours. Slowly and complete quietness she removed a patch of leaves at a time. Only after a few minutes she was finished with what would be her last easy task. She was 5 foot 2 and just under 120 pounds. Her gear included a highly advanced body suit that streched, and bent at every small angle of the agents body. It had many functions, and she knew how to use every single one of them. But perhaps the most important device she had was her head set which gave her data through a monoacle and an attached speaker to her left ear. It was not hard for her to know that Starfleet had arrived to the planet because the increase noise to the town near the forest she was hiding in, and the multiple shuttle crafts that have flown over her. She now stood and stretched her stiff body, even though in short time she would be cramped again. The agent moved strategically throuh the woods as fast as she could. With every minute that passed her pace became longer, and her speed became faster. When she arrived she found exactly what she was looking for just as she predicted simply from a guess from her knowledge of Starfleet protocol. The shuttle craft stayed still on the ground almost 50 yards from her now. Standard Starfleet blue containers totaling 6 were on the closest side toward her. She scanned the surrounding area for any one that could break her cover. Once she felt that it was clear she dead sprinted for the containers. As she ran she continued to look all around the immediate area. Once the agent was there she opened the lid to one of the middle containers, and placed her self into it. Her butt went first bending her body. It slid all the way until her butt hit the bottom of the container. She still held the lid in one hand and sealed it back. It was unkown to her how much time had passed, but suddenly she felt the container she was in move. She also heard voices on the outside of it. "Lets get these containers inside. We need to get back to the Paladin." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Personal Quarters - ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron - 1631) Kyp was quite tired of sitting around. Yes, the nurse had suggested that he stay in his quarters and rest for some time. Yes, he saw it as a reasonable request. Yes, he knew that if he tried to do too much, he would pull the muscles in his leg even harder than he had before and thus sustain even more damage to them. But he was so BORED. He had not even been given an update of what had been going on around the ship. Kyp figured that he had rested long enough and was not going to take anymore. Getting up, he put on a uniform, feeling proud of himself at seeing the new gold pip on his collar glint in the mirror, and headed to Main Engineering. (posted by Ben) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1633) "Computer lock all weapons on to the starboard nessel." She felt her fighter leap forward as she jammed her engines to full power. ~come on a little close. Just a little closer.~ She saw phaser cannon shots hit the steamrunners hull as Philips flew over her. ~going for the weapons good idea but if they can't run then they can't tell the enemy~ She glanced at the readings from her computer. ~nearly there~ [Warning, Warning] ~dam we've woken it up~ She saw phasor fire erupt from the Steamrunnor as she darted in. ~okay now~ She killed her engines and jammed the thrusters into a turn. She G-force grew and she spun faster. The starboard nessel appeared in front of her. ~its time~ "All weapons fire" She felt the fighter shudder as it unleashed its armament as she passed. She spun back to her original course and the activated her engines. ~That was a classic Sit-'n'-Spin. Hope they were watching~ [Warning, Warning] ~ow hell I'm locked up~ She pulled right placing a asteroid between her and the Steamrunnor. She saw a phasor beam erupt from the ship and slice through the asteroid. ~come on, come on get more stuff between you hand him~ She went to full throttle and began moving wildly around the oncoming asteroids. She finally lost the lock as she swung round to attach the Steamrunnor. ~is that all you can do~ She was slammed back into her seat as she hit overdrive. ~computer target port nessel." She looked up to see Philips on an attach run. She turned to follow him in. ~to strait, weave, Philips weave~ A phaser blast clipped Phillips fighter. ~no, no~ Philips fighter spun left and slammed into an asteroid. The explodion sent fragments of asteroid into the Steamrunnors shields. The shields suddenly flared and vanished. "Computer target deflector and shield emitter." ~With out them it won't get far in here~ [Target locked] "Fire." She fighter unleashed its arsenal as she swooped underneath and away. ~time to leave~ She turned and headed for the Beta Aquari III and the Paladin. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Shuttle Bay 1 - OPS Elizabeth Knightley - 1645) Elizabeth stood in the control room, and spoke with the pilot of the shuttle that was now coming in. Monitoring the different flights out and back in has been more than a days worth of work. "Force field up." She ran her fingers over a few buttons. "Open bay doors." A loud klaxon sounded 3 times. After wards the wide door rose upward. "Flight 22 you are clear for entrance." =/\= Aye. We are allowing the tractor beam to guide us in.=/\= The pilot answered. The shuttle was slowly pulled through the blue force field, and gently placed on to the floor. "Close bay door," Elizabeth ordered. She walked out of the control room, and walked down the set of stairs to the ground level. As she walked over to the shuttle she watched the doors open, and crew members exiting. Once she reached the door of the shuttle she met with the pilot. "How was your trip this time William?" "If its possible, it was worse," William replied. He stepped off of the ramp and passed Elizabeth. He turned to look at her. Ensign Knightley looked inside of the shuttle and saw the blue containers. She looked at some unloading crew members. "Put these containers at..." She looked at her PADD that had the different locations in the nearest cargo bay. "location 3C." The 3 person crew began to work immediately. Elizabeth looked at William, and the two walked away from the shuttle. "How bad was it exactly?" She asked out of wonderment and compassion. William gave a large sigh. "The people there are suffering far beyond my worst nightmares." The two continued up the stairs to the control room. "Men and Women adults were crying over dead families and friends. The part I could nearly not bare was to see the children at the beginning stages of the plague." The two were now in the control room, and both of them sat down looking at each other. "Oh my, I can't imagine what is was like." "I couldn't believe it. 2 people died between my shuttle craft rounds. It is horrible down there, but..but you know what." William's voice changed. "But I am proud to say that we are here to help these people out." Elizabeth spoke with watery eyes. "Me to William, and I hope that we can help enough." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1649) The team walked silently out of the shuttle and through the terminal. Several hallways and a flight of stairs or two later, a slight smell tinged Nissa’s nose as they approached a set of doors. ~We must be close to the ward where the infected are kept.~ It seemed like a logical assumption, until someone opened the door. They weren’t so much in a ward designed specifically for patients as they were standing at the reception area. People were slumped over chairs, waiting for some sort of treatment. Gurneys carrying the sick lined the hallways. Nissa had thought, incorrectly it seemed, that the hospital had the resources to maintain a semblance of order, even now. As she looked at Dr. Keller for orders, she felt something brush her arm. She turned around to a young man’s hand grabbing her arm as he tried to speak. No words came out and Nissa calmly pulled herself away from his grip as she attempted to calm herself. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1650) As they walked up to the door to the reception area Jared was not caught by surprise, the fear, depression, hopelessness and rage struck his senses like a cheese grater with him being the cheddar. It was with a supreme effort that he moved those last few paces to the door and through, what he saw inside was what he had hoped not to see but had prepared himself for, this hospital, this people, this society even were on the verge of complete collapse. Fortunately he had not been idle either on the ship or the shuttle and had prepared contingency plans for just such an emergency. He didn't see the man reaching out for Nissa, he was already moving like shot out of a cannon for the front desk and pulling nurse Florence along with him past the people slumped hopelessly about, it wasn't that he didn't care about them... far from it, if he didn't get things functional quickly too many of them were going to die. "Nurse!" He raised his voice so that the exhausted woman walking through the people, weighing their chances for survival would take her eyes off the woman she was checking and focus on him. "And you are?" "Where is doctor Bennett?" "I'm afraid I don't see the need for you to see the administrator doctor...?" "Keller, Jared Keller. I talked with doctor Bennett an hour and a half ago and told him that I was going to be arriving with help and he promised he would have someone here to meet me. Now where is my guide?" The woman was like a fish out of water. "I'm sorry I..." "By damn woman I don't have time for this! Where?" His tone shocked her out of her brainlock. "Through the right-hand door, down the corridor and to the left at the first intersection. Take the elevator to the third floor, his office will be easy to find." He whipped around and looked toward Nissa. "Ms. Whetari with me." (Reply: Nissa, Rellam Tam) Turning quickly on his heel he double-timed it through the door and the heels of his shoes set up a furious rhythm, his face was a hard mask he strode past empty triage and emergency rooms, dispensaries and day-care facilities. Taking the left he swerved to avoid a man wheeling a cot through the hall, around oxygen tanks and to the elevator. Slapping the button he then turtned to watch as the others hurried up. They could hear him muttering, "This place is a disaster area, if I don't get them focused on the real problem we are going to fail. I WON'T ALLOW IT!" (Reply: Nissa, Rellam Tam) As soon as everyone was piled in he growled. "Third floor." The lift shot up with them, leaving the ground floor behind quickly and the doors were opening again within a minute, fortunately the maximum rated capacity was high enough to allow the marines to move with them unimpeded. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 1650) Jennifer flicked off the overdrivers. She felt the G forces lighten as the fighter slowed. "computer am I with in comm range of the Paladin?" [affirmative] ~well thank goodness for that~ She turned her fighter along a parallel course. this was so that if the Steamrunner was tracking her she would not give away the fleets exact position. "Shark Bait 1 to Paladin." (reply Paladin) "Captain I have just had a confrontation with a Doenitz ship. A Steamrunner Class. Wing man killed and enemy vessel attacked but not shore of the damage. Sending weapon cam and sensor data to you shortly." (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenatn (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:52) Joran was sitting on the edge of the captain's chair, looking out at the infected planet below. He had served several shifts as CO on the bridge, but somehow, this felt different. Then he heard the transmission from the fighter. =/\=Shark Bait 1 to Paladin.=/\= Joran stood up. "Lt. Brownlee here. Report." =/\=Sir, I have just had a confrontation with a Doenitz ship. A Steamrunner Class. Wing man killed and enemy vessel attacked but not shore of the damage. Sending weapon cam and sensor data to you shortly.=/\= Joran's stomach hardened into a rock. "Send your data to us immediately, and then hide in the magnetosphere. We'll come and get you." He turned to the science station. "Any telemetry from the probe." The young ensign looked up. "Aye, sir, we are recieving telemetry." Joran raised an eybrow. "And?" "I am picking up several ships, Federation in origin. Probably Doenitz forces. Size and strength of the fleet can't be determined at present." ~Great, a two front battle.~ Joran thought. He opened a channel to StratOps. "Lt. Brownlee to StratOps." (reply StratOps) "We have a situation up here. We have a Steamrunner loyal to Doenitz as well as an unknown fleet size of starships beyond an anomaly, most likely lyal to Doenitz as well. I will be forwarding you all the information I have shortly, and I would appreciate some suggestions." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1652) "Ms. Whetari with me." Dr. Keller called as he moved quickly. "Yes, Doctor." Nissa replied, as she carefully stepped over the legs that filled her path and avoided the various obstacles before her. She could hear Dr. Keller mumbling as he furiously pounded the button for the lift. They would do the best they could, of course, but this hospital was in a terrible state. ~I suppose that he didn't expect that they would be so completely unable to handle the situation,~ she thought, as everyone moved into the elevator. Staying silent as the rose to the third floor, NIssa rubbed her arm where the gentleman grabbed her. Once they arrived, she watched as Dr. Keller ordered the organization of the hospital and triage centers. He discovered that the labs were on the fifth floor. "Ms. Whetari you heard the man. Ms. Whetari is now in charge of your labs, everything you are doing goes through her... got it?" Dr. Keller nearly shouted in anger. Not having the chance to catch his eye before the Doctor led her away, Nissa gathered her thoughts and followed the man. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 16:54) =^=Send your data to us immediately, and then hide in the magnetosphere. We'll come and get you.=^= Jennifer nodded to her self. "Computer activate burst transmitting. Send all data from the time of entering the asteroid cluster to present. Transmit to Paladin. Inform when ready." [Burst transmitting to USS Paladin is ready] "Send." The computer beeped. She activated the fighters scans of the system. ~Ah ha there you are~ She entered the coordinates for the magnetosphere. As she increased power to her engines she saw that most some of her squadron was also heading in the same direction. ~nice to have some company~ (posted by Robie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Strategic Operations, CO Captain Eva Straton, 16:54) =/\=We have a situation up here. We have a Steamrunner loyal to Doenitz as well as an unknown fleet size of starships beyond an anomaly, most likely loyal to Doenitz as well. I will be forwarding you all the information I have shortly, and I would appreciate some suggestions.=/\= Eva looked over at Commander Rulestaad who was standing across the massive situation table from her and nodded. The Commander turned on her heel and started barking orders to her staff to get the fleet into a better defensive position. Eva tapped her comm-badge. "Lt. Brownlee,"She said, her voice calm but serious. "Move the Paladin behind the planet and bring us to red alert. Keep the Fighting Whatever's in formation around the Paladin, and Dragon Slayers inside the planets atmosphere. Have Shark Bait take up position above the planets north polar region, that should effectively hide them from enemy sensors. Commander Rulestaad is already moving the fleet into a more defensive position. Inform Commander Capps on the surface of our situation. He should be prepared to take steps to protect the civilian populace. Also inform General Roberts, this could get ugly fast. I will be back on the Bridge momentarily. Straton out." (posted by wes) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1655) Jared didn't wait for the marines to move in before him, he was out in an instant and checking the offices as he passed, when he saw the one he wanted he didn't bother to knock, just waltzed through the door and parked himself before the startled mans desk. "Doctor Bennet I am Jared Keller, CMO of the Paladin." "Why yes, I remember talking with you doctor." He tried to smile but Jared didn't give him time. "We don't have time for pleasantries doctor, I need you to call the governor and commandeer six buildings around the outskirts of the city for triage use. You will be decentralizing your emergency care and non-life threatening facilities and dispersing them to these sites and you will be doing so by this evening. I want the first equipment moving out within the hour." "Now see here.!" The man half-rose to his feet. "The governor already knows about this. I am taking charge of this facility as of this moment and you will do as I say!" The man stared at him in dumbfounded shock. "What? I ..." "Where are your labs?" "Fifth floor." The man was deflating. "Ms. Whetari you heard the man." He whipped around to Nissa but not before pointedly saying to doctor Bennett. "Ms. Whetari is now in charge of your labs, everything you are doing goes through her... got it?" The mans closed his eyes. "I suppose so." "This hospital will serve ONLY life-threatening cases AND plague victims. The life-threatening cases will be housed in the east wing, the rest of the hospital will be completely quarantined and bed those sick people overflowing your lobby doctor and before this is over we will be having to spread out into those commandeered buildings no doubt but for now we will start by getting this hospital FOCUSED! Do you understand?" He didn't see NIssa leave, focused as he was on whipping this hospital into some semblance of order. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:55) "Lt. Brownlee to StratOps. We have a situation up here. We have a Steamrunner loyal to Doenitz as well as an unknown fleet size of starships beyond an anomaly, most likely lyal to Doenitz as well. I will be forwarding you all the information I have shortly, and I would appreciate some suggestions." Joran was surprised to hear the captain's voice come through. =/\=Lt. Brownlee,=/\= She said, her voice calm but serious. =/\=Move the Paladin behind the planet and bring us to red alert. Keep the Fighting Whatever's in formation around the Paladin, and Dragon Slayers inside the planets atmosphere. Have Shark Bait take up position above the planets north polar region, that should effectively hide them from enemy sensors. Commander Rulestaad is already moving the fleet into a more defensive position. Inform Commander Capps on the surface of our situation. He should be prepared to take steps to protect the civilian populace. Also inform General Roberts, this could get ugly fast. I will be back on the Bridge momentarily. Straton out.=/\= "Understood." Joran was on his feet in seconds, barking orders left and right. "Ops, send a message to the fleet, General Roberts, the fighters, and the Away Team advising them of our situation and the captain's orders. Helm, bring us into a standard orbit over the far side of the planet. Tactical, bring weapons to bear, and sound Red Alert." He tapped his communicator. "Lt. Brownlee to Engineering, send a liason to the bridge ON THE DOUBLE." Joran sat in the command chair very tensely, thinking, ~So this is where the fun begins.~ (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari system - Mako Fighter - Pilot Officer Smith - 16:57) "Copy that Paladin." ~Good now we have some place to go~ "Okay Shark Bait. We have new orders. We are to move to the north polar region." ~Okay lets get organised and get moving~ "Alpha flight for up on me. Bravo flight to my port and Charlie flight to my starboard Copy." =^= Alpha copy =^= =^= Bravo copy =^= =^= Charlie copy =^= ~It looks like were in for a fight. Hope I can get that Steamrunner~ She waited for her orders to be carried out. "All flights follow me. Keep in nice and tight." She increased the power and her fighter responded. "Computer link in with the Palaidin combat net and sensors. Put up the display." The computer beeped as the information was borough up on her HUD. ~Okay were here. The Paladins here. Hmm it looks like the Steamrunner is closing. Better be ready~ "Shark bait lead to all flights. We have a enemy steamrunner class vessel approaching the prepear to go weapons hot if were needed." =^= Alpha copy =^= =^= Bravo copy =^= =^= Charlie copy =^= ~good~ She looked at the read outs. ~looks like were almost at the coordinates~ (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee, ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee, ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar, and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 16:58) As soon as Joran had barked those orders, the bridge crew jumped into action. Christian said, "Assuming geostationary orbit over the Lindbergh Ocean. That'll put us on just the opposite side of the planet from the Steamrunner. Rana's hands flew over her display, bringing all weapons and shields to the ready, and bringing the ship to Red Alert. "All weapons at your disposal, sir." "Sir," Olesia said, turning from her station, "I'm reading some sort of problem with the Steamrunner's stabilizers. Maybe that could work to our advantage." Joran thought, and then he had a brilliant idea. "Yes, it might. Ensign Apar, bring the heat shields on full, Ensign Brownlee, put us into a lower orbit. Put us in the mesosphere." Christian turned around, perplexed. "Sir, bring the ship into the atmosphere? Are you sure?" "Relax, Christian, I've got a plan. Ensign Belden, keep an eye on that Steamrunner. Tell me if it makes any moves at all." Joran sat back down, pressing the comm link, putting him in contact with all personnel. "All hands, this is Lt. Brownlee. We are going to be undertaking some intense maneuvers in a few moments, so brace yourselves." He stood back up. "OPS, notify Sickbay to be ready for casualties. And tell Engineering I'm still waiting for a liason." He sat back down, tense, but not letting it show. ~I sure hope this works,~ he thought to himself. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering LT JG Steven Matrix - 16:58) Matrix had been in his office for some time, reviewing the simulated telemetry data when the call from the bridge came. =^= Matrix to Bridge. I'm on my way =^= (Reply Bridge. IFW) Matrix closed out his terminal, stood up, adjusted his uniform and headed to the bridge. =^= Matrix to Ensign Rathyn. Please report to main engineering. I need you and Ensign Durron to continue working on the telemetry tests.=^= (Reply Rathyn) =^= Matrix to Durron, please report to main engineering. You and Ensign Rathyn are to continue working on the telemetry testing.=^= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1658) "OPS, notify Sickbay to be ready for casualties. And tell Engineering I'm still waiting for a liason." Michael furiously tapped away at the Ops console, trying to send enough power to the inertial dampers, structural integrity fields and the engines to keep them from plummeting into the ocean bellow or from burning up. "Aye," Michael said, then opened up the comline to Sickbay. "Bridge to Sickbay, Prepare for casualties, enemy incoming." Michael said, then cut the line quickly opening one up to Engineering, "Bridge to Engineering, we need an Engineering Liaison officer up here on the double, we have enemy incoming." Michael quickly brought the third warp core up to 50% power trying to remove some of the flashing yellow warning lights on his board. "Sir, we can't stay at this atmosphere for long. The Paladin wasn't meant to Ever enter this level of the atmosphere. I have the third warp core up to 50% to compensate for the stresses. You will have little to no helm control without over stressing the Structural integrity fields." Michael said, not looking up from the Ops Console. He was completely confused as to why they even had to resort to his risky maneuver, the Paladin alone could take on five Steamrunner class ships, without fighter support and never suffer a scratch. The Paladin plus the fighters and the rest of the taskforce should have easily handled the Steamrunner. The Maneuver wasn't likely to hurt the Paladin or it's crew, but it was just risk for the sake of flash, as far as Michael was concerned. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron - 1659) As Kyp entered Main Engineering, he was greeted by the familiar and comforting hum of the warp core. He took a relieved breath before heading to Lt. Commander Sarouk's office. The doors of his office were closed. Kyp, unfazed, rang the door chime. He stood back and grasped his hands behind his back as he awaited acknowledgement. (posted by Ben) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Impulse Engine Control - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1659) Her Bajoran/Cardassian temper would not stay in check forever. If she were dealing with a living being she would gladly explain that, albeit through clenched teeth. Instead, her frustration with the stubborn ion-phase coupling that absolutely refused to be adjusted came through as a low growl. "You remind me of a Klingon engineer I once worked with, 'Lura," Nat Spinrick laughed good-naturedly in her ear. Both had been working with the coupling for well over an hour using a registration module trying to lessen the small component's power output. "If this thing doesn't give up the fight, I'm going to show you how Klingon-like I can be," she answered him, entertaining mental images of ripping the coupling out of place bare-handed and tossing it into the nearest plasma exchange. Spinrick laughed openly. From just about anyone else she would've taken taht reactoin as an insult, but she knew that was just his way and she could accept it from him. =^= Matrix to Ensign Rathyn. Please report to main engineering. I need you and Ensign Durron to continue working on the telemetry tests.=^= "Acknowledged!" Rathyn answered with hints of frustration in her surly tone. Then more calmly she added. "I'm on my way, chief." She handed the registration mod off to her partner. "Keep working with it 'Spinner.' Let me know when it's set right." She turned and moved toward the door and into the corridor. (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt. Commander Sarouk, 17:00) Sarouk was hard at work at his desk dealing with the administrative side of running the engineering department. He didn't even look up from the three terminals set up on his desk when the door chime went off. "Come," He said, continuing to work on all three terminals simultaneously. (Reply Durron) "Ensign Durron," Sarouk continued, still not looking up from his work. "Medical has informed me that you have been cleared to return to active duty. I have reinstated you onto the active duty roster. We are currently in the process of upgrading several key systems while maintaining full battle readiness. Report to Lt. Matrix for duty assignment." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1700) The talks between the Governor of Beta Aquarii III and the First Officer of the starship USS Paladin were coming to an end. Calvin stood up from the chair he was seating in, and extended his arm toward the Governor. He shook Simmons hand firmly, and began to walk away. As he walked toward the door, the marines stationed there began to ready theme selves to follow the Lt Cmdr. An aid opened the door, and the three Starfleet officers entered the hallway. Before the doors closed behind them his combadge chirped, and Mr. O'Conner could be heard by all. (Reply O'Conner) "Thank you Mr. O'Conner. I will contact Lt Kerge, and Lt Tirrel." Calvin looked at Simmons face, and saw fear in his eyes. There was no doubt that the news came to the Governor as a surprise. "Do not worry Governor. We have the capability of taking care of this." "Thank you Cmdr Capps," said Simmons. Calvin tapped his combadge. "Capps to Lt Kerge." (reply Kerge) "Enemy forces were found not far from here. Please increase security measures at all emergency points. Also increase security with all teams. Do you have any other suggestions?' (reply Kerge, leaving room for more) Calvin tapped his badge again. "Capps to Lt Tirrel." (reply Tirrel) "The enemy has been spotted, and it is possible that they may attack. We will need to set up a strategic defense for any ground attacks. What is your location." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Oxford - Deck 1, Bridge - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:00) "Captain," came Lt. Perez' voice from the OPS console, "The Meredith has passed to the far side of the planet. They've spotted us, sir." "Lay in a pursuit course, Ensign Dube," the Joseph said. Ensign Rebecca Dube's hands flew over her console, and brought the ship around to the other side of the planet. Cmdr. Harb spoke up from Tactical. "They've descended into a decaying orbit, sir. They're in the planet's mesosphere. Should I lock weapons and follow them in?" "Fire a warning shot. If they do not respond, put us in the same orbit as them, and bring us to Red Alert." After a few seconds, the Tactical officer spoke up again. "No response." "Ensign Dube, bring us into the same orbit as the Meredith. See if we can't use whatever their problem is to our advantage." "Aye, sir." She plotted a new course, brought the ship's heat shield on full, and brought the ship into the atmosphere of Beta Aquari III." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin – Main Engineering – ACEO Ensign Kyp Durron – 1701) Kyp was waiting for an acknowledgement to his ringing of the door chime outside of Lt. Commander Sarouk’s office. "Come," said a male voice from within the office. Kyp shrugged his shoulders, trying to release a bit of tension, and entered the office. Before he could say anything in greeting to his department head, Sarouk spoke. "Ensign Durron," Sarouk continued, still not looking up from his work. "Medical has informed me that you have been cleared to return to active duty. I have reinstated you onto the active duty roster. We are currently in the process of upgrading several key systems while maintaining full battle readiness. Report to Lt. Matrix for duty assignment." A little taken aback at the terseness of the Vulcan, Kyp involuntarily frowned. He took it in stride, though, and replied with a simple, “Yes, sir,†and exited the office. Once outside the office, he tapped his commbadge. “Ensign Durron to Lt. Matrix, Lieutenant Commander instructed me to report to you for an assignment. Awaiting orders, sir.†(posted by Ben) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin – Holodeck 16 – ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix – 1702) ~Ensign, if you're not involved with other duties please report to holodeck 16 with a full response kit at 1830. Matrix out.~ (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Criminal investigators office - TAC/SC Kerge - 17:03) Standing in the chief criminal investigators office, a serious looking Kerge looked out onto the gathering of people that had already assembled outside. It was very clear that unrest was on the verge of running rampant now & the Klingon knew that a firm hand would be neccesary sooner or later. To Kerge of course this was no big deal, as a Klingon he was used to dealing with unrest & was actually looking forwards to getting in the thick of it all. The chirp of his communicator however provided only a momentary distraction from his need for active encounter. =/\=Capps to Lt Kerge=/\= Kerge frowned slightly & then acknowledged the communication. "Kerge here Sir", he said in his usual clipped & ready no nonsence tone of voice. The Lieutenant Commander then went on to appraise the security chief of hostility breaking out & a need for him to increase the security presence accordingly. =/\=Do you have any other suggestions?=/\= "I would recommend moving the marines in also", said Kerge, "if the...hostility... escalates further I would rather not have my teams without substantial backup", he added. (Reply Capps) "Understood, I will see to it imediately sir", said Kerge moving to pick up the data storage device given to him by the chief investigator & heading towards the door, stopping only momentarilly to address the man himself. "I will oversee the current information in regards the Doctor & his, apparent accident & get back to you", said Kerge, "I trust also that I will have the full cooperation & availabilty of your own officers on this investigation", he added. "Of course, i`ll see to it imediately", said the chief. Kerge nodded & then turned to leave. (posted by Alan) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1703) =/\=I would recommend moving the marines in also", said Kerge, "if the...hostility... escalates further I would rather not have my teams without substantial backup=/\=, he added. "Dually noted. I need you to make haste on this one." Capps requested. =/\=Understood, I will see to it imediately sir", said Kerge.=/\= (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Northern perimeter - MCO Conner Tirrel - 17:04) With the marines now having established FARP bases at the Northern & Southern edges of the city, they were pretty much ready to roll in whatever direction any action might take them. Conner was currently sitting in one of the rapidly deployed mobile command centres overseeing a tactical update when the abrupt communication had come in from the Paladins FO, concerning a possible hostile engagement. =/\=We will need to set up a strategic defense for any ground attacks. What is your location=/\= "I`m currently at the northern base", said Conner, "I can have my men wherever you want them within ten minutes Lieutenant commander", he added. (Reply Capps) "Feed me everything you have on the enemy locations & compliment & we`ll go from there", said Tirrel as he began preparing for a mobilisation of his forces. "I`ll also need to know exactly what the Beta Aquari internal forces are doing & where they are going to be", said Conner. (Reply Capps) "Understood, Tirrel out", said Conner as he motioned over to his MXO to liase with the Paladin in orbit & move on the new information. (posted by Alan) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1704) 'Lura had eased by the time she reached Engineering. She found Matrix and approaced. "Ensign Rathyn reporting, sir." (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - LT JG Steven Matrix - 1704) Matrix was on his way to the bridge when Lura reported to engineering. "Ensign Rathyn reporting, sir." "That was fast I hope I didn't tear you away from something more pressing?" Matrix feared he did that very thing. (Reply Rathyn) Matrix was in a hurry to get to the bridge and made an attempt to get the Ensign working on the probe issue. "My apologies, but I'm needed on the bridge. Please get with Ensign Durron when he arrives and complete the testing of the telemetry simulation. We need to ensure we can boost the communications from the probes to the Paladin...through all that nebula stuff." Matrix nearly ran into a bulkhead trying to get out of engineering. "Sorry to put you on this so your best. I'll get with you as soon as the bridge situation is resolved. I may have you or Kyp be the bridge liaison. I'll know more when I figure out what's going on. " While walking backyards, briefing the Ensign and avoiding one bulkhead, Matrix backed into an engineering cart. Tools, PADDs, and the cart came crashing down with a load crash. Matrix blushed, feeling like a fleet cadet stumbling over the parade carpet. Matrix smiled and leapt in the corridor. (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Impulse Engine Control - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1704) "Ensign Rathyn reporting, sir." "That was fast I hope I didn't tear you away from something more pressing?" Matrix feared he did that very thing. "Actually, sir," Rathyn replied with an impish grin, "you probably saved me from committing serious atrocities against the ship. I left a stubborn impulse coupling in Spinner's capable hands." "My apologies, but I'm needed on the bridge. Please get with Ensign Durron when he arrives and complete the testing of the telemetry simulation. We need to ensure we can boost the communications from the probes to the Paladin...through all that nebula stuff." Matrix nearly ran into a bulkhead trying to get out of engineering. "Sorry to put you on this so suddenly ... do your best. I'll get with you as soon as the bridge situation is resolved. I may have you or Kyp be the bridge liaison. I'll know more when I figure out what's going on." While walking backwards, briefing the Ensign and avoiding one bulkhead, Matrix backed into an engineering cart. Tools, PADDs, and the cart came crashing down with a load crash. Matrix blushed, feeling like a fleet cadet stumbling over the parade carpet. Matrix smiled and leapt in the corridor. With a feelings of both pity and amusement, Rathyn watched him go. She'd never seen him fall all over himself and everything else excusing himself before. After watching the door a moment, she turned to the testing board. Flipping a few strands of hair out of her eyes she began looking over the readouts to see how far along the telemetry tests had progressed while waiting for Durron. (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Governors Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1704) =/\=I`m currently at the northern base", said Conner, "I can have my men wherever you want them within ten minutes Lieutenant commander=/\=, he added. "Good. At this time stand by, and be ready for anything. We do not know when and where they will attack. We have to stay on our toes." =/\=Feed me everything you have on the enemy locations & compliment & we`ll go from there", said Tirrel as he began preparing for a mobilisation of his forces. "I`ll also need to know exactly what the Beta Aquari internal forces are doing & where they are going to be=/\=, said Conner. Calvin looked at his aid that stood beside him. He gave a nod of his head to indicate to send the information to Conner. "What you have asked for is own its way now. I am afraid it is not much as our fleet has not made full contact yet." Lt Cmdr Capps looked over at the Governor. "Lt Tirrel we are alone. Most of the Beta Aquari force has split. A small bit is left, and they are located in the main city. Send me your plans ASAP, and any updates there after. I will stay in the main city with the Governor." =/\=Understood, Tirrel out=/\=, said Conner. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee, ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee, ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar, and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 17:05) "Sir," Rana said, looking up from her position at Tactical, "the Steamrunner has entered orbit with us, and they've locked on their weapons." "Very well," Joran said. He stood, and moved towards Tactical, noticing Lt. Matrix coming out of the turbolift. "Ah, Lt. Matrix, how good of you to join us. Ensign Brownlee will be pulling off some very complicated maneuvers and will not be able to keep an eye on Engineering while doing so like he usually does. So, I need you to confer with Engineering from here." (reply Matrix) Joran kept on walking over, and leaned over Rana's shoulder pointing to different areas on the schematic of the Steamrunner, saying "Target phasers here, a quantum torpedo spread here, inflict critical damage here," and so on. He then walked back tho the captain's chair, saying to OPS, "Once Ensign Apar gives the signal that their shields are down, drop ours for just enough time to transport their captain directly to the brig, and then raise them, and take out their stabilizers. Any questions?" (reply any on bridge) "Good, then let's get to work. Ensign Apar, fire at will." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Governor's Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1705) After talking with the Chief of Security and the CO of the Marines he felt positive that the rest of the teams on the surface would get the news. He only needed to contact one more department head. Calvin tapped his badge. "Lt Cmdr Capps to Dr Keller." (reply Keller) "In the next few minutes you will see additional Marines at all research labs and hospitals. You and any member of your team will also be getting added security. The Paladin fighters have come in contact with an enemy vessel. It is now en route to the planet." (reply Keller) "I understand Dr, but if you life does become in danger I want you to let them protect you." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital, administrators office- CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller- 1706) "You must understand Dr. Bennett that I am doing this for the benefit of your patients and there is no ego involved on my part. Taking over the direction of this hospital is imperative in the interim I assure you and NOBOBY, I repeat NO ONE will be turned away from this facility on the basis of an inability to pay. From henceforth until this plague is stemmed we are in the business of saving lives only, not generating income..." Jared was going to add more but the communication stopped him. =^= Lt Cmdr Capps to Dr Keller. =^= This really was not the time for idle conversation. "Excuse me for a moment Dr. Bennett," Jared moved into the hall so the conversation would be private. "Yes commander, this is Jared. Go ahead." =^= In the next few minutes you will see additional Marines at all research labs and hospitals. You and any member of your team will also be getting added security. The Paladin fighters have come in contact with an enemy vessel. It is now en route to the planet.=^= "Damn!" ~Not good.~ Jared thought. "Commander I am going to have enough trouble doing my job properly and finding room for all these patients without being waist deep in marines. I have to have freedom of movement to be able to treat these people properly." "I understand Dr, but if you life does become in danger I want you to let them protect you." Jared sighed. "Just as long as they stay at arms length and don't hinder anyone who is sick from getting into the hospital I can handle it Commander but if they get in the way, especially if I hear of them disrupting my operation I will not be happy and they are going to hear about it. I suggest you warn them liberally beforehand of that fact." (Reply: Calvin) "Oh! I am going to be stuck dickering with the hospital administrator for a while now, I'd suggest waiting to send them for another half hour or so, that way I can situate them where I want them." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Oxford - Deck 1, Bridge - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:10) "Captain," Commander Harb said, "the Meredith has locked on weapons. They're aiming at our shields. A volley or two and they'll be down." "Divert auxiliary power to the shields." The bridge rocked under the first volley. Harb reported on the situation. "Shields down to 40%, sir. They won't sustain another spread." "Ensign Dube, evasive maneuvers, now! Mr. Harb, return fire!" The second volley hit. "The shields are down!" The captain stared at his Tactical officer in awe, before he felt himself dematerialize. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 17:10) Joran watched the next volley streak towards the Steamrunner, and hit their mark. Rana looked up from her console, saying, "Their shields are down." "Good shooting Ensign. OPS, beam their captain to the brig. Ensign Apar, as soon as the captain is aboard, raise our shields, and take out their wepons, engines and stabilizers. We'll let them crash down into the ocean." As soon as he recieved confirmation that the captain of the Steamrunner was aboard, he heard the turbolift doors open. He looked over, and saw the captain walk onto the bridge. He stood up, and moved to the Second Officer's chair. "Report!" Straton said. "Sir, we've lured the Steamrunner into the atmosphere, have blown apart their shields, beamed over their captain, and now we're employing a firing pattern to bring them to a splashdown in the middle of the ocean, provided that they don't burn up first, seeing as their heat shields are gone too." (posted by SPencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1710) Michael waited for the signal, then beamed the Captain to the brig, informing the Brig personnel of their incoming guest. "Report!" Straton said. "Sir, we've lured the Steamrunner into the atmosphere, have blown apart their shields, beamed over their captain, and now we're employing a firing pattern to bring them to a splashdown in the middle of the ocean, provided that they don't burn up first, seeing as their heat shields are gone too." Michael glanced across his board and seeing more yellow warning lights than he liked, turned his head to look the Captain. "Sir, we need to get the Paladin out of the atmosphere in the next minute or two, or our Structural Integrity field generators are going to blow out. We simply aren't meant to fly in an atmosphere. We are also big enough to cause meteorological disruptions from the forces we are exerting on the local air masses." Michael said, quickly turning back to reroute power around a weakening SI field generator, and bringing online three more secondary generators. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1710) Matrix entered the bridge in a rush only to find chaos. He immediately sat at the engineering station, punched up the current status and initiated the 'Matrix Alpha One' program. In a few moments, the bits and bites of this application stabilized the field generators, inertial dampeners and the primary shields. Hull temperature began to decrease. ~ Ah, its working.~ said Matrix to himself. "Captain, I've initiated a stabilization program, field generators and primary shields have returned to normal parameters and our hull temperature is beginning to decrease. I'm compensating through the tertiary warp core and matricides generators. We should be able to hold this altitude indefinitely." (Reply Straton, anyone) Matrix swung back around to monitor the engineering station and initiated 'Matrix Alpha Two Bravo.' ~ Perfect! ~ A few moments later the bridge engineering section was showing green lights on all systems. ~ We have a few more surprises in store. ~ said Matrix to himself. (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1711) Eva stepped out of the turbolift and onto the Bridge and took the scene in at a glance. "Report!" She snapped as she stepped down to the command deck and slid into her chair that Lt. Brownlee had just vacated. (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Brig - CO Captain Joseph Flanagan - 17:12) The captain found himself in the middle of a cell, when he saw a security officer activate a force field. "Where am I?" he asked. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1712) Michael had just given the Captain his status report when his boards showed massive changes in power distributions without warning. ~~What the...~~ Michael thought running a check to figure out who was disrupting his power flow. "Captain, I've initiated a stabilization program, field generators and primary shields have returned to normal parameters and our hull temperature is beginning to decrease. I'm compensating through the tertiary warp core and matricides generators. We should be able to hold this altitude indefinitely." "Negative Captain, we won't. The power grid is past it's max, and the structural integrity generators, while fine for now, will overload and burn out in less than two minutes. We are going to lose helm control in the same amount of time. We just don't have the power to handle the atmospheric stresses, we weren't designed for this. The Tertiary warp core is at max, sir." Michael said, as he tried to redistribute the power around the grid to prevent it from blowing out the over used sections. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1712) ~Damn it ~ , thought Matrix. as he watched his status board change from green to yellow, approaching red. "Captain, O'Connor is correct. The power fluctuations are swinging too much due to the hull stresses the ship. She's just too big in this atmosphere. Ensign, can you compensate for the power losses?" Matrix was perplexed by the sudden changes.. bad changes. ~The simulation was I thought. Damn it.~ (Reply O'Connor) "We'll have to get the Paladin out of here and soon," said Matrix. "Captain, the tertiary core is approaching critical. We need to take it off line or get out of the atmosphere. (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1721) She'd been appalled at situation downstairs, but Nissa was horrified at the situation in the labs. It seemed as though the technicians abandoned the lab when the hospital was swamped with plague. She looked over at one of the nurses that brought up some samples and dropped them into an overflowing basket as he turned to leave. "Nurse, I will need you to stya here with me and organize samples. We need to get this lab working again. The nurse looked Nissa up and down, turning around wearily to leave. "That wasn't a suggestion, Nurse." Nissa reiterated, raising her voice. "I understand that you're tired and overworked, but I need some help before I can get started." The young man sighed deeply before turning around and grabbing the basket of samples. Considering them carefully, he put the basket on a table and began to work. Nissa smiled as she helped, noticing that one of the Marines was standing just outside the door. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1730) Jared had been hammering out the details of the changover for a half hour now and it had been difficult at first, Doctor Bennett was a good enough fellow but he was over his head dealing with the plague and having trouble dealing with the concept of the amount of patients that were flooding the hospital now not to speak of what was still to come if they didn't find a cure for the virus soon. Using the StarFleet "Card" to get things moving had been necessary... and effective, after laying down what he wanted done and how doctor Daniel Bennett had placed a call to the chief procurement officer for the colony and made the necessary arrangements. It went without saying that the sheer volume of supplies that needed to be shifted to those locations was immese and they would be short of those some things in the beginning but the hospital would be sending over some equipment also to bolster the stock, this would get them over the hump hopefully. ~Now if K'Palla, Nissa and O'Shea can handle their end soon and get this damnable virus under control... We won't need to do this long.~ "Hopefully doctor Bennett we can affect a cure and return your hospital to normal operations soon." Doctor Bennett nodded grimly. "As soon as I get the word they have some facilities ready I'll be sending patients over, maternity first since we need to get the babies out of the way of the virus." he sighed. "We'll also be routing trauma care to the second site, those that don't need to be held overnight here for observation we're discharging as we speak and we'll only be bringing over those that are in danger of loss of life for emergency surgery and ICU." "Pediatrics and Oncology at the third site with administrative staff at the at the fourth." Jared murmered. "That's enough to worry with at the moment, the other two sites we'll be directing other patients to for treatment and diagnostics. I'm also calling up every EMT, nurse and doctor either working with colonial emergency services or in private practice with the sanction of the colonial government to staff the hospital and our other centers until the present crisis is over." "Very good Doctor Bennett, I'm expecting your lobby to empty out and those people to be housed by the morning." Daniel Bennett nodded, "I'm doing everything in my power to do so, we're transferring ICU patients to the east wing now, I'm expecting the work to be done in a couple of hours. Is there anything else Doctor Keller?" The mans tone was cool and though Jared could feel the hurt and anger behind it he ignored it to focus on the task at hand, he couldn't afford to get into a time wasting argument with a man who's territorial bounds he had crossed. Not with so many lives at stake. "I'll remain with you until the transference is complete then I'll direct the bedding of the sick people downstairs myself in person, I'm going to have to get into the thick of things and find out what we're up against first-hand and Ms. Whetari is going to need data." Daniel nodded and noted the marine in battle armor standing in the corner, this was turning into a nightmare of a day. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital, administrators office – CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller – 1740) Jared had begun to fidget and was rethinking his earlier decision to wait until the patients were transferred to the east wing before wading into the turmoil downstairs, he had been watching Dr. Bennett for a while now and the man had been networking effectively to get everything done that he wanted so there was really no reason for him to stay. "Doctor I am taking my leave of you now, I'll take over the operations downstairs." Daniel nodded and him and hit a com. "Doctor Connors, Doctor Keller is on his way downstairs and he will be taking over the floor, give him every assistance he requires." =^= All right, acknowledged.=^= On his way out Jared tapped his combadge. "Ms. Whetari do you require any assistance?" (Reply: Nissa) He stopped before exiting. "I can have some additional personnell sent to you if you require it." (Reply: Nissa) "All right, as soon as you're shipshape up there contact Ms. K'Palla and let her know your situation and see how she's progressing and com me or better yet have her contact me directly." He motioned Nurse Florence to follow him but it was unnecessary, she was merely waiting for him to get started. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Hospital Labs – Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari – 1745) =/\=Ms. Whetari do you require any assistance?=/\= Dr. Keller's voice called from the other side of the room. Nissa ran over and noticed her combadge on the floor - it must have been knocked off her at some point, she assumed. Though she was making progress while observing the samples obtaining from patients in various stages of the plague, Nissa could certainly use more researchers. As she understood it, however, the hospital was short-staffed as it was and more and more people were abandoning their positions to help family members or to prevent being infected. "If there is anyone to spare that can assist me here in the lab, that would be quite helpful, especially someone who has been working directly with patients." Nissa responded, hoping to quiz her helpers on any patterns that they were seeing. =/\=I can have some additional personnell sent to you if you require it.=/\= Dr. Keller replied. "That would be most helpful, Doctor - we are still fairly behind up here, though things are improving at a steady pace and we are seeing lots of interesting things in the more recent samples." =/\=All right, as soon as you're shipshape up there contact Ms. K'Palla and let her know your situation and see how she's progressing and com me or better yet have her contact me directly.=/\= Dr. Keller explained. "Understood, Doctor Keller." Nissa said as she waved a young man to keep working and stop listening to her conversation. "Whetari out." Turning back to her work and seeing another large pile of labs that needed doing, Nissa hoped that the help would come soon. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1832) With the extra hands to help and the extra information Nissa had obtained from her assistants, she'd gotten the lab back up-and-running and decided that it was time to contact K'Palla. "Ensign Whetari to Ensign K'Palla." Nissa said as she softly tapped her combadge. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1834) K'Palla was still knee deep in tests when her badge chirped. =^= Ensign Whetari to Ensign K'Palla. =^= Nissa said as she softly tapped her combadge. "K'Palla here." she responded, without looking up from her work. "What can I do for you, Nissa?" (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1836 "Dr. Keller asked that I report my findings to you, check in to see what you may have discovered, and he also requested that you check in with him, as well." Nissa explained. (Reply K'Palla) Raising her eyebrow slightly, Nissa wasn't honestly surprised to hear the answer K'Palla gave. "I've noticed the rate and the variance of infection. There is something mighty strange about this plaque, I would agree, but I cannot prove it...and I think that I will focus on helping the sick and finding a cure. With your experience in genetics and your keen insight, though, I am encouraged that you are on the case." (Reply K'Palla) "Good work, K'Palla. Let Dr. Keller know that the lab is under control and that I would like to observe some patients and help downstairs when the opportunity arises. Whetari out." (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1838) "K'Palla here." K'Palla replied. "What can I do for you, Nissa?" =^= Dr. Keller asked that I report my findings to you, check in to see what you may have discovered, and he also requested that you check in with him, as well. =^= Nissa explained. "So far, I have done some standard tests to see if any one race has a stronger resistance to the virus. So far, I've found nothing conclusive. Outside of the time it takes to mutate, the virus infects every race equally. What have you found out?" asked K'Palla. =^= I've noticed the rate and the variance of infection. There is something mighty strange about this plague, I would agree, but I cannot prove it...and I think that I will focus on helping the sick and finding a cure. With your experience in genetics and your keen insight, though, I am encouraged that you are onfiltered=^= answered Nissa. "I'm just a scientist, Nissa. You have more experience with diseases with your medical background. I do have a theory, however, but I can't prove it until tomorrow morning when I can access the bio-vault to obtain an original sample of the virus. If I'm right, then we might have an engineered virus on our hands!" the Klingon announced. =^= Good work, K'Palla. Let Dr. Keller know that the lab is under control and that I would like to observe some patients and help downstairs when the opportunity arises. Whetari out. =^= and the link was cut. K'Palla smiled. She liked Nissa and was glad they were on the same page regarding their research. Some doctors resented having scientists around and visa versa. That wasn't the case with the team from the Paladin. The Klingon tapped her commbadge, following the request passed on by Nissa. "Ensign K'Palla to Dr. Keller." (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - CMO, Lt. (jg) Dr. Jared Keller- 1840) After speaking with Nissa Jared turned in a whirl with Nurse Florence on his heels and they followed closley by the marine gurad as he headed for the elevator that would take him downstairs, his mind a whirl of motion as he considered just how far behind the plague they were. There was one thing too that was nagging at his consiousness as well, an experimental drug he had heard of that had been developed on one of the outlying worlds that might help gain them some time in this fight. The lift doors opened and he stepped inside and moved to his right as the others entered, before the doors closed his combadge activated. =^= Ensign K'Palla to Dr. Keller.=^= ~That was quick.~ "Dr.Keller here Ms. K'Palla, thank you for calling in so promptly." (Reply: K'Palla) "Ground floor," He said. "I wasn't expecting a lot of progress yet, merely making sure you and Dr. O' Shea had been successfully taken to your destination and were set up." The elevator began its downward run as he waited for her reply. (Reply: K'Palla) "Speaking of Dr. O'Shea... is he busy at the moment?" He heard one of the marines shift slightly as the lift began slowing down, he was no doubt preparing to take the point as they were wont to say. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1845) "Ensign K'Palla to Dr. Keller." the Klingon commed. =^= Dr.Keller here Ms. K'Palla, thank you for calling in so promptly. =^= said the Doctor. "Dr. Whetari said you wanted me to report in to you with my progress. I've been studying the growth patterns of the virus as it attacks various samples of tissue. I will be performing another experiment in the morning with an original sample of the virus to hopefully prove a theory I have." the Ensign explained. "Where are you in your research?" "Ground floor," He said. "I wasn't expecting a lot of progress yet, merely making sure you and Dr. O' Shea had been successfully taken to your destination and were set up." The elevator began its downward run as he waited for her reply. "Yes, we are fine. The facility staff is glad to have the help, and I am grateful that they are not treating us like miracle workers!" she said, with a hint of relief in her voice. Everyone there was acting in a professional manner, and not looking towards them with great expectations. =^= Speaking of Dr. O'Shea... is he busy at the moment? =^= asked Keller. "I will have him contact you. If there isn't anything else, I will get back to my work." stated the ACSO. (reply Keller) "Very well, K'Palla out." said the Klingon, who then cut the link only to tap her badge again. "K'Palla to Dr. O'Shea." =^= Yes, O'Shea here. =^= was the response. "Dr. Keller needs to speak with you right away, sir!" K;Palla relayed the message. The link was cut without another word. She assumed that O'Shea knew what it was about. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Labs - Mission CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1850) Rick was not happy, not happy in the least. While the use of the labs was not an issue the state of disarray that the records were in was. While K'Palla was busy conducting her researches he was left trying to piece together often conflicting information from the labs database, it was almost as though it had been purposely placed in this condition. After a moment more of trying to decipher the mutagenic properties of the first two generations of the disease he threw up his hands in disgust. "Pitifil, just pitiful! How am I supposed to make anything out of this mess? I'm going to have to skip this part of the process and piece it together myself from the beginning. I thought the doctor here was supposed to be competent!" The chirping of the combadge interrupted his tirade for a moment but not his attitude. "Yes, what is it?" (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital - CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1851) The venom in Dr. O'Shea's voice startled Jared for an instant. =^= Yes, what is it? =^= "I apologize Dr. O'Shea for interrupting but I had something I wished to discuss with you that is extremely important." (Reply: O'Shea) "I remember hearing of an experimental drug developed on Escobar V that may help us combat this infection ." (Reply: O'Shea) Jared shook his head emphatically though Rick couldn't see him. "The situation is far worse than we had expected Dr. O'Shea, the hospital and medical care have so degraded to the point we need some additional edge, if we don't get it we're going to be overrun here and far more people are going to die than we can afford. The nurses and doctors here now are doing all they can but many have already run from their posts out of fear of the disease and those that have remained are shaky and fatigued... and fatigued staff make mistakes. I also need all the help that we can spare from our own medical departments. This is not an option." (REply: O'Shea) "Yes doctor, I understand it will take time." Jared gritted his teeth. "And the longer we stand here discussing it the less time we have. How may doses can you get to me and how quickly?" (Reply" O'Shea) He let out a strangled oath. "That will have to do for now, thank you Doctor, I will be looking forward to the deliveries. Keller out." That done he stepped away from the elevator he had been standing beside and began striding toward the front desk with Nurse Florence and the marines following. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Labs - Mission CMO, Dr. Rick O'Shea - 1852) =^= I apologize Dr. O'Shea for interrupting but I had something I wished to discuss with you that is extremely important.=^= "Yes Doctor Keller. It had better be important, I am urgently busy at the moment." Rick dropped the padd he was holding in disgust and prepared to exit the computer access node. =^= I remember hearing of an experimental drug developed onfiltered=^= That stopped Rick in his tracks and changed his demeanor, anything that would help was worth listening to. "Escobar V is very far away Dr. Keller and I fail to see how a drug developed to increase resistance to disease as a preventative measure is going to be of use in wiping out the infection." =^- The situation is far worse than we had expected Dr. O'Shea, the hospital and medical care have so degraded to the point we need some additional edge, if we don't get it we're going to be overrun here and far more people are going to die than we can afford. The nurses and doctors here now are doing all they can but many have already run from their posts out of fear of the disease and those that have remained are shaky. I also need all the help that we can spare from our own medical departments. This is not an optionfiltered=^= Rick let out a disgusted breath. "I am NEVER going to be able to replicate the drug from this lab Dr. Keller, it's records are in complete disarray, I'll have to transport back to the ship and work from there. You realize that it is going to take precious time to fabricate this drug don't you?" =^=Yes doctor, I understand it will take time.=^= Jared nearly growled. =^=And the longer we stand here discussing it the less time we have. How may doses can you get to me and how quickly?=^= ~Testy, testy.~ "If I leave now possibly three hundred doses in the next several hours and maybe one thousand more by noon tomorrow. After that I am going to have to wait as the starts from the original cultures mature, let's say another one thousand after that by the morning of the next day. I'll also send you down help from the battle group." Doctor Keller didn't sound happy but then again Rick hadn't expected him to, circumstances were tightening around them in more ways than one it seemed. =^="That will have to do for now, thank you Doctor, I will be looking forward to the deliveries. Keller out.=^- With the signing off of the doctor Rick tapped his combadge. "Ms. K'Palla I am transporting to the ship and will be there for some time. I am leaving you in charge of the lab operations from this point. Coordinate your efforts with Doctor Keller, he and Ms. Whetari are going to need all the help they can get." (Reply: K'Palla) Rick nodded then, satisfied he had settled everything for now and tapped his combadge a third time. "Doctor O'Shea to the Paladin, one to beam up, also notify the Captain I need to speak with her as soon as I'm on board." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1855) A few minutes later, K'Palla received a comm from O'Shea. =^= Ms. K'Palla I am transporting to the ship and will be there for some time. I am leaving you in charge of the lab operations from this point. Coordinate your efforts with Doctor Keller, he and Ms. Whetari are going tonfiltered=^= "Understood, sir. K'Palla out." she said, cutting the link. The Klingon rubbed her eyes, starting to feel a bit fatigued between the work and the pressure to find an answer. She took another gulp from her luke-warm cup of coffee. It wasn't raktajino, but it would have to do. ~~ I'm going to need a real drink when I'm done here! ~~ the Klingon thought. She wasn't interested in synthehol either. She was going after some real spirits. The ensign decided that when she finished for the night, she wasn't going back to the Paladin.... at least not right away. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Hospital Labs - ACMO Ensign (JG) Nissa Whetari and Gunnery Sergeant Rellam Tam - 1920) Gathering her things, Nissa took one last look around the lab and nodded at the young woman that she chose to leave in charge. It was time for Nissa to go assist the sick downstairs. Rellam followed Nissa as she left the labs and headed to the elevator. A second Marine by the elevator fell into step and the three headed down to the patient wards. They stepped out into chaos, the floor was flooded was people, beds were in the hallways, and every room had been filled with beds. Rellam loosened the sling on his rifle and followed Nissa into the ward. If Nissa had known how terrible the situation was on the lower floors, she would have never spent so much time organizing the lab. ~I should contact Dr. Keller and find out if he needs me,~ she thought. The violent coughs and sound of free-floating phlem upset Nissa, but before she had the chance to hit her combadge, a little boy tackled her leg and she lurched. Rellam swore to himself for missing the kid. He doubted highly that the kid could cause the doctor any harm but if he breached her bio suit she would be in the same boat as the rest of the lot there. Rellam quickly leaned down and gently unwound the child's arms from Nissa's legs. "You have to let go of the doctor," Rellam said, picking up the child. The Boy took one look at Rellam in his armor and started crying. =/= I think you're just scaring the kid, Gunny=/= =/= I know that, Miller,=/= Rellam said as he scanned the child with his suits tricorder. "Sir, you might want to take a look at him" He said turning the kid around but still holding on to him. In any other circumstances, the sight of this large Marine holding a wailing child would be perversely amusing. Using her medical tricorder, Nissa examined the squirming bundle in the arms of her Marine guard. "He is in stage two of the plague - best thing for us to do now is to make him comfortable and work with his symptoms." The entire hallway was crammed with the sick, with most laying along the floor. A small girl was laying on top of what Nissa took to be her mother, though one look at the woman indicated that she had died several hours ago. Carefully taking the boy in her arms, Nissa ran her hand along his forehead and smiled at him. "Don't worry, sweetheart - we are here to help you." After taking another look around the hall, Nissa turned to the two Marines. "You two have emergency medical training and organizational ability, I take it?" "We do, basic field medical training. "I'll need the two of you to assist me." Nissa confirmed. "I know that you didn't come down here expecting to work as emergency nurses, but I need help organizing these patients into priority. All corpses should be brought to a room and sealed inside for the time." Pointing to the taller Marine, Nissa instructed, "You, Sir, please evaluate the remainder of this ward and find any and all medical personnel that hasn't fallen ill. Bring them here so that we can create an action plan for this ward." Addressing the other Marine, Nissa spoke while she set the boy down on a clear spot of the floor. "I'll need you to help me organize and treat these patients, though I will contact Dr. Keller to see if he has access to any personnel or medications." Miller looked at Rellam, they really shouldn't be working as Nurses, they were supposed to be taking care of Nissa. "We can do that sir, but you'll need to stay within line of sight. What medication do you want given?" Rellam said before switching over to the All Marine frequency. =/= Sergeant Tam to Marine Control, we need medical and security re-enforcements at my location, the main hospital. It's a powder keg, and ready to blow.=/= Rellam took the hypo spray and began to give out medications, keeping as close to Nissa as he could, while he waited for re-enforcements. "20 milligrams for the boy - 45 for any adult. Try to treat the sickest ones first." Nissa said, handing the Marine three hyposprays. Turning into a corner, Nissa tapped her combadge. "Ensign Whetari to Dr. Keller." (Reply Keller) "Yes, Doctor. I've moved from the lab and I am now in separate ward on the 5th floor. It appears to have been abandoned. I need all available personnel and any medications you have synthesized for the plague - if any - up here as soon as possible." (posted by Sarah and Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III - Main Research Labs - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 2000) After almost 4 hours of study, K'Palla was disappointed and frustrated in her work thus far. When she first exposed her own tissue sample to the virus, there was no reaction between her DNA and the virus, making her think that Klingons were immune to it. Fortunately for the ensign, she hadn't yet exposed herself to the virus when she checked the dish again later. It had taken a while, but the virus had mutated to effect the Klingon sample. The results were the same for several other samples of other races. No reaction at first, but given time, the virus eventually mutated, infected the sample, and consumed it. K'Palla rose from the work station and stretched. She needed to clear her head, so she decided to take a break and go to the research lounge for some coffee. The Klingon poured herself a cup of the dark liquid and inwardly yucked at its flavor, comparing it to dirty water. Still she needed the boost it provided, and continued to sip at it, and thought to catch up on some of the local news to find any insight regarding the plague. After watching for about 20 minutes, surfing through most of the news channels, K'Palla noticed something on one of the colony's business channels. Livestock commodities were going up, in fact, they were going through the roof. The ensign was curious when she saw this fact. The plague originated in the colony's livestock and should have nearly destroyed the livestock population, but instead, the livestock was thriving. K'Palla looked at some of the other medical personnel in the break room and asked a few questions. "Excuse me, but how long has it been since there has been a reported case of the virus in any livestock?" asked the ensign. The other techs thought for a few moments and spoke amongst themselves. "There hasn't been a reported case since the virus crossed over to humanoids!" said one of the techs. "Thank you!" K'Palla smiled. She gulped down the rest of her 'coffee', got to her feet and headed back to her work station. Her enthusiasm returned. She had something new to try out. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Research Labs – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2130) "Qaplas!" K'Palla said out loud, when she saw her results. She immediately called for Doctor Walsh to show her findings to him. When the medical ream leader hurried into the lab, he approached the Klingon's work station. "What can I do for you, Ensign? You sounded rather excited about your findings!" he said. "I believe I have found something, Doctor." insisted the science officer. "Tell me about it!" queired Walsh. "Well, I did some historical research regarding mutated viruses and found that every known virus, although has mutated to infect another host, will still be able to infect the original species. For example, while the ancient Avian flu on Terra was able to cross over and infect humans, it continued to infect the avian species on the planet, nearly wiping them all out!" she explained. "What does that have to do with our plague?" asked Walsh. "When I was taking a break in your lounge, I was watching one of your news programs to see how the media was reacting to the virus, and stopped on one of your business channels. They were discussing how the livestock commodities are presently soaring!" the ensign went on. "If this plague was any 'normal' virus, it would still be decimating your world's livestock population!" stated K'Palla. "But according to your business news, it's not being effected! So I decided to try an experiment." The Klingon turned back to her work station. Doctor Walsh remained silent and looked over her shoulder as she explained. "Here, you see a humanoid tissue sample that's been infected by the virus." She flashed several race samples on her screen, all showing the same results. "As you can see, the virus has been able to mutate slightly with each new race it encounters." K'Palla then switched to a new screen. "So, I wanted to see what would happen if the mutated virus came into contact with a livestock tissue sample again. If this was any standard virus, it would infect the livestock sample as it did when it was first discovered." The Klingon showed the sample on the screen. "This is the sample before coming in contact with the virus........ and this is the same sample after 90 minutes of exposure to the virus, giving the virus plenty of time to infect and consume the sample." Walsh's eyes grew wide in surprise. "Nothing happened! It's as if the virus is ignoring the tissue sample completely!" "Yes, I was surprised myself, so I decided to break down the DNA markers on the livestock sample and compare it to a humanoid sample." K'Palla relayed her inforamtion. It was obvious that she was excited about this. "At first, I saw nothing different, so I went further down to the molecular level!" The screen took the DNA strand from the livestock and superimposed it over the humanoid strand. Doctor Walsh pointed to the screen. "There!" he noticed. "There is a missing amino acid in the livestock strand, like a small gap, but when our DNA strand is placed over it, the gap is filled! So our DNA has one amino acid strand that the livestock doesn't..... but how does that fit in??" "Think about this, Doctor..... when a virus infects a host, it conforms to the host in order to survive, almost like a piece in a puzzle." K'Palla theorized. "Yes, some viruses will plug into a receptor on a cell in order to take the nutrients intended for the cell, effectively starving the cell." Walsh agreed. "So look at the this simulation of the original virus when I impose it over the livestock DNA." K'Palla said as she pushed a few buttons on the console. Both strands were identical, every strand would react to the virus, except for the gap. The virus had a marker there in that gap, but had nothing to react with it in the livestock DNA, so it remained dormant. "Now, "said K'Palla. "Watch when I run the simulation with a humanoid DNA strand!" The simulation ran, and the odd amino acid marker reacted to the humanoid strand, causing the virus to mutate. Walsh was dumbfounded. "How can this be?" he said. "Doctor, do we have any original samples of this plague virus.... when it was only infecting the livestock?" asked K'Palla. "Yes, we do have a few samples in cryogenic stasis. Why?" he posed. "Doctor, if we dissect that original virus and look at that single odd marker, I believe we will be able to prove my theory!" she stated. "And what theory is that?" asked Walsh. "That your plague was engineered! A natural virus continues to effect every type of organism it contacts. This one no longer seeks out the livestock! I believe it was created to wipe out this humanoids of this colony!" the Klingon declared. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Alsatian Peaks – NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2220) Jon picked up the glass containing the bourbon before he had touched his meal and tilted it to his lips, the pungent liquor flowed into his mouth and over his palette, igniting it before cascading down his throat. He lowered the glass, savoring the smoothness of it before setting the glass containing the rest of the fluid to his right and picking up his fork. "There is a complication or two we might have to deal with however." he said as he looked at the mound of spiced liver and dumplings on his plate, they smelled incredible and the aroma from the caraffe of tea was mild but floral. "You mean the StarFleet people?" Loela made a face as she brought her mug of tea to her lips but didn't drink yet. "I've met one of them, a Klingon named K'Palla." She recanted her statement. "No make that I've seen her working in the lab, I haven't actually met her yet but she has been going at it nonstop and seems able. They could become a problem." He carved a slice of liver and speared it with his fork, bringing it to his mouth and chewed it thoroughly as he savored the taste. A smile came over his face as he set his fork down and leaned back. "My compliments, you were right about the fois gras, it is magnifique." A taste of the dumplings would have to follow but he held off for a moment, there were more important matters to deal with. "I got a call from Doctor Bennett at the hospital and he was fit to be tied, the CMO from the Paladin had turned things there upside down." "What do you mean?" She asked with a frown on her face. "I was instructed to reroute and reassign six buildings around the city for hospital business, outpatient services, maternity, trauma care, that sort of thing. Apparently the hospital is now only dealing with intensive care patients, emergency surgery and plague victims." He picked the glass of bourbon back up to cleanse his palette before trying the dumplings. "And?..." She looked at him pointedly. "The assignment and routing of supplies was easy but I almost thought I was going to miss our appointment beacuse of the time involved." he cut one of the dumplings into two pieces and brought half to his mouth, the acidity of the dumpling made a nice accompanyment to the liver. "These people are going to be trouble," Loela had an intense look in her eyes as she took a sip of the tea. "I quite agree," Jon said as he decided to try the tea as well and save some of the liquor for later though he might just go for another. "There's another we have to consider." Jon looked at her with a jaundiced eye. "And who might that be?" "A man working in the labs with K'Palla but he's been doing mostly paperwork and networking with the governor and higher-ups in the colonial hierarchy. The mission CMO I was told." "Damn! They're popping up everywhere." "They got here faster than we considered." She looked at him questioningly. He had no choice but to agree. "Two days early to be exact, the 52nd appears far more capable than we were led to believe." he sipped the tea and thought ~Three for three.~ "Excellent." Back to the subject though they were on. "Do you think you can get to these people?" "They have marines in BDU accompanying them but there are always ways..." She gave him a cryptic smile. "Good, make any preperations you need and stand by just in case. We might have to intervene." "Will do but in the meantime I'm hungry." He gave a chuckle. "I wouldn't want you to miss your meal. It's good not everything in the colony has been touched by the plague so far. In the midst of the decay of this crumbling society there still remains a small slice of heaven." There would be time to carry out their plans later, right now a feast awaited. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Outlying City – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2200) K'Palla strolled along the street of the city, taking in the night air. It was refreshingly cool, compared to the stuffiness of the sterile labs. The Klingon was told that the original virus samples were locked in the quarantine vault and could not be accessed until the morning when the other lead scientists were present. Apparently, they all had to be present to enter the access codes to open the vault, which was an understandable procedure. If the original virus was released again, there would be no telling what it would mutate into. The Klingon science officer walked into a nearby tavern to get a drink. She tried to reach Nissa but was unsuccessful. K'Palla hated to drink alone, and besides Kyp Durron, Nissa was her only friend. "K'yp." K'Palla said his name outloud. She'd forgotten how much she missed the human with his cute, yet naive attitude towards her sexual advances. They hadn't spoken since that one night they spent together, but it was a night she would not forget for a long time. Stepping into the tavern, K'Palla sat at the bar and ordered the local brew and a shot of whatever hard spirits they offered. It wasn't Guiness and Jack Daniels, but it was wet and calmed her nerves just the same. K'Palla watched as the local tele-broadcast announced the latest news about the plague. Some areas seemed to be in total chaos, with riots in the streets by people desperate for a cure. There were rumors that a cure was available but only for those who could afford it. No wonder the less fortunate peoples of the colony were revolting, who could blame them. Fear did that to people. K'Palla simply chuckled at the notion. She couldn't believe they were afraid to die. "You're from that Federation ship, aren't you?" asked a voice behind her. K'Palla turned to see a woman who from her uniform either worked in the medical facility or at the hospital. "You must be.... since we don't get many Klingons around here!" "Yes, I am from the USS Paladin. I am K'Palla, part of the research team at the facility." said the ensign, offering a seat next to her. "Jayna Degnan..." the woamn introduced herself, and sat down with a grin. "I'm a nurse at the hospital. Aren't you a little short for a Klingon?" "I was the runt of my litter!" K'Palla laughed at the implication, too tired to be insulted by it. "That was a joke.... my mother was a small female. My brothers are both quite large, but I can beat them in a fair fight!" "I don't doubt that." said Jayna, who ordered her own drink. "I noticed you were watching the news about the riots. Why were you laughing?" "Only because of the futility of the riots...." explained K'Palla, taking another drink. "Your people riot out of fear... fear of dying! They should be angry.... angry that they cannot die honorably!" "What do you mean? There's no honor in dying! None of us want to die! Do you?" asked Jayna. "Of course!" K'Palla said sincerely. "I look forward to the day that I will die!" "You do?" Jayna was perplexed. "Yes, because I know that when I die, it will an honorable death, serving a purpose to honor my House! It would be most glorious if I were to die in battle!" K'Palla said, finishing her drink, and ordering another round. "Then why aren't you out there in the stars, fighting some battle for your honorable death?" Jayna scoffed at her idea. "I am still young... there will be plenty of time for combat!" she said. "Right now, I feel the need to help your people!" "Why?" asked the nurse. "You don't think we should be afraid to die!" "And you shouldn't be! But you were partly right before! There is no honor in dying... that is, dying from a disease such as this one! A Klingon would rather take their own life than die from an illness! I must find a way to stop the virus, and stop the needless deaths!" explained K'Palla. "Well, at least we agree that these deaths are needless... and I appreciate your conviction, K'Palla." said Jayna, finishing her drink. "This has nothing to do with honor... but it has everything to do with surviving." The nurse finished her drink, and got up to leave. "Do you have to leave so soon?" asked K'Palla, "Let me buy you another round!" "Thank you, but I really must go home...." Jayna said, "I shouldn't have stopped here, but I just needed to take a break from seeing this..... this damned plague!" A stray tear trinkled down the nurse's cheek. K'Palla was a strong Klingon warrior, but she was also a compassionate woman as well. "What's wrong, Jayna?" "It's my father......" she began to sob softly. "He is infected and I must go home to tend to him!" "But if he is sick, then he should be at the hospital!" K'Palla insisted. "No, we can't afford it...." admitted the woman. "All I can do is .... make him comfortable until he......" Jayna couldn't finish the sentence, but instead fell into a fit of crying. K'Palla felt her pain, and put her arms around the woman and gave her some comfort. "Jayna, take me to him!" said the Klingon. "Maybe there's something I can do!" "What can you do? He's dying!" walied Jayna. "Yes, he may be dying, but he shouldn't have to die alone!" stated K'Palla. After paying the tab, the two women left the bar together and headed for the nurse's home. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Outlying City – ACSO Ensign K'Palla – 2230) K'Palla followed Jayna to her home, and was surpised of its state of disrepair. Surely, a nurse could afford better lodging. The Klingon then recalled that she couldn't afford to put her father in the hospital, so she didn't question anything and just followed her in. The thing that K'Palla noticed was the smell. It was an awful putrid stench, that reminded her of fetid flesh. She compared it to finding a rotting targ carcass when she was targ hunting with her father once. K'Palla almost gagged when the odor hit her, but stayed strong and pushed through the discomfort. Jayna apparently was uneffected by it. She must be used to it since she worked at the hospital. "Forgive the smell, K'Palla. It is the plague... Father showed symptoms about two days ago." she said sadly. "From what I've witnessed, he's almost......." The woman couldn't finish the sentence, but instead of crying, she sounded quite resigned to his fate. The woman went into the kitchen to put on some tea for them. The Klingon looked around and saw some photos that must have been of Jayna's family. It was a large family, with 4 brothers, 2 sisters, her mother and father. "You have a large family, one to be proud of!" K'Palla said as she picked up the family portrait. K'Palla saw that the father was a hulking handsome man, and the mother saw beautiful. The ensign could see the resemblance in Jayna. "That's an old picture!' Jayna called out from the kitchen. "We were very close when we worked on the ranch." "Were?" K'Palla asked. "Well, we were a ranching family.... raising cattle and the family business did very well." Jayna returned from the kitchen, and picked up another photo. "This was where we lived before the plague started." K'Palla looked at the picture. The mansion was huge, reminding her of her own home on Q'onoS. Da'Gor had started a vineyard and produced Klingon wine to supplement the income of their House, but mostly it was something to keep Mother busy while Father was away on the IRON WIND. "It is beautiful......" K'Palla said, hating to ask the next question. "Where is everyone else?" "My sisters and two younger brothers are off-world at school. The family business was able to pay for their education, so their futures are set. They left before the plague was discovered." Jayna said, sounding relieved that they were spared. "And you?" K'Palla asked curiously. "I stayed home and went to the local medical college. I didn't want to work on the ranch anymore but didn't want to go off-world either, so I settled for this." Jayna indicated her surroundings. "What about your older brothers and your mother?" K'Palla hated to ask the question, almost knowing what the answer was. "When the plague first hit us, we were wiped out. The cattle all died and we were left with nothing. We couldn't rebuild because the insurance didn't cover 'acts of nature', so the bank bought us out.... practically stole everything from us, paying only a fracton of what it was worth." Jayna explained. "It crushed Father.... took the fight right out of him. It was if he died that day when he signed the ranch over to the bank. My older brothers fought to keep the land, but that's when the plague mutated and crossed over to humanoids. They died before we started packing. Mother died shortly after that." Inwardly, K'Palla was inwardly furious. The bank had taken advantage of the family and the ranch was probably flourishing again now that the livestock was no longer being effected by the plague. The Klingon didn't have the heart to tell Jayna what she probably already knew. A weak voice was heard from a back room. "Jayna..... it that you?" said the frail voice. "Yes, Father.... it's me... I brought a guest home. She wanted to meet you!" Jayna called back. "Wonderful.... its always good to have company!" said the voice. "Come on, Father is in here." Jayna led K'Palla into the bedroom. When the door opened, the stench of decay was ten-fold, causing K'Palla to cough, doubling her over. When she straightened up, the Klingon looked at the once strong vibrant man, and saw what the plague had done to him. He was gaunt, skin and bone, with no sign of any muscular definition. He was covered with oozing lesions almost as if acid had been poured on him. She took out her tricorder and scanned the man. She gasped slightly when she saw that Jayna's father was literally being consumed by the virus, consumed at a microscopic level. "Kahless...." said K'Palla, "He must be in unbearable pain!" "His skin is overly sensitive now." explained Jayna. "I can't touch him, not even to bathe him or feed him. It hurts to much for him to do anything. Staying perfectly still offers the least amount of pain!" "Nonsense...." gasped the sick man. "I don't feel a thing........" He was interrupted by a fit of coughing that shook through him. The violent spasms were quite painful to him, by the look on his face. When the coughing stopped, the man laid there, moaning unbearably. Jayna grabbed a small pouch, with vial and a needle, and began to fill the syringe. "What's that?" asked K'Palla. "Morphine." said Jayna, as she injected her father with the harsh drug. "Its the only thing I can give him for the pain, and the only thing I can steal!" Before K'Palla could confront her about stealing, Jayna's pager began to beep. The nurse looked at the pager, and let out a groan of frustration. "What's wrong?" asked the ensign. "I'm needed back at the hospital!" Jayna said angrily. "But you only just got off your shift...." said K'Palla. "And the replacement shift has abandoned their posts... again! They know they're all going to die from it, so they don't want to be surrounded by it!" Jayna fumed, then moved to her father to speak with him. "Father, I must go back to the hospital. I'm sorry." "Don't fret, child. I'll be just fine. You know me.... strong as an ox!" he smiled weakly, not even having the strength to laugh. Jayna hesitated. Tears flowed freely down her face. K'Palla could tell from her look and from what she saw of her father. If Jayna left now, her father would be gone by the time she returned. K'Palla put her hand on Jayna's shoulder. "Go Jayna, I'm not needed back at the labs until morning. I will stay with him." "But the virus.... you might get infected." Jayna panicked slightly. K'Palla shushed her. "If I am, that is my choice!" said the Klingon. "And it will give me more incentive to find a cure!" "Thank you, K'Palla." was all Jayna could say, tears welling up in her eyes. The nurse then gave her father the lightest possible kiss on his cheek. "Goodbye, father. Remember that I love you!" With tha, Jayna hugged K'Palla then ran out the door, her sobs could be heard as she ran out the door.. The science officer grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the father's bedside, sitting downly quietly. The man's hand moved over and gripped hers, a hint of his strength was evident. "So... you're a Klingon." said the sick man. "Yes, I am K'Palla, daughter of Da'Gor." she said proudly. "I'm Horace Degnan. Thank you for staying with me." he said. "Nonsense, no one should have to die alone!" K'Palla insisted. She was aware that the man knew his time was almost up. "Is it true that Klingons would rather die by their own hand than die from an illness?" asked Horace. "Yes, that is true... if I knew I was going to die from this plague, I would rather die honorably by my own hand than succumb to it!" "Then do you think you could kill me honorably before I die?" asked Horace openly. The request hit K'Palla harder than a charging bull targ. "You want me to kill you?" "Yes, you have a daggar on your boot... I saw it when you came in." Horace stated. "Just put an end to my miserable existence and spare Jayna from all this suffering! You know she's suffering worse than I am!" K'Palla hesitated, then drew her daggar, its edge gleamed in the light. She looked at the blade and where in the man's chest she knew would be the best... and quickest death for him. Horace had already closed his eyes, preparing for his end. But it did not come. K'Palla didn't know what to do. Had she not been in this uniform, she would have readily complied with the dying man's request. As a Klingon, she was obliged to help a stranger in a time of need, but she had an obligation to her duty, and to the Federation. As much as she was compelled to end this man's life in an honorable fashion, she knew that she could not, because of who she represented. The thought shamed her. If Da'Gor heard of this, he would be outraged. A tear trickled down her cheek as she sheathed the daggar in her boot. "Horace, forgive me, but I cannot do this. I am sworn by my duty to uphold life, and as much as I wish to honor you with a rightful death, I... cannot." "No worries, child...." Horace opened his eyes. "I guess you would have a lot of explaining to do if you did kill me like that! I don't blame you. I will be strong until the end." "And I will stay by your side until then, you have my word." said the Klingon. "So is it true that Klingons like to sing?" Horace changed the subject. "Even though no one likes it?" "Well, depends on who's listening, I would suppose...." K'Palla chuckled at the man's humor. "Would it be against your duty to sing for me?..... would you please? My family would sing together around the fireplace after dinner!" Horace almost begged. K'Palla looked at the man and smiled, her eyes glistened from the tears that poured down her own cheeks. "I would be honored." The ensign broke out into a Klingon drinking song, the first one she ever learned to sing with her brothers. It was a light festive tune filled with joy and hope. Horace smiled and hummed along as if he knew the melody. He was a happy man, knowing that he would not spend his last night of his life alone. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Alsatian Peaks – NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2245) With the meal finished Jon wiped the corners of his mouth with the linen napkin and sat back with a satisfied grunt, a sudden crash followed by a scream brought reality into the blissful bubble of his existence and turning his head he saw that a chair at one of the other tables had been overturned and a man was convulsing on the floor in agony. "Help him please, somebody help him!" The womans cries started an exodus of the patrons from the establishment, those that had not yet received their orders bolted for the entrance while the few others there threw down money on the tables and followed. Jon threw down the last of his whiskey and said. "If we don't do the same it will look suspicious, if the stupid ass wasn't feeling well he should have stayed home or sought medical assistance, not that it would have done him any good." Jon stood up suddenly and reached for his wallet, taking out money to pay for the meal and a generous tip for the waiter. "Come on, we can discuss the rest of our business as we walk." Loela made a disgusted look at the fellow writhing on the floor and followed Jon out, keeping up the charade by staying as far away from the man as she could. The woman who had been accompanying the man saw them leaving as the last of the patrons and ran at Jon. "Please do something," She grabbed at his sleeve and he reached out with one hand grabbing her collar. "Get away from me you wretch!" With that one hand, leverage and an extensive knowledge of martial skills he threw her to one side and to the floor with seemingly little effort, not looking back as they reached the outlet. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Atrium– NPCs Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2250) They had covered a good bit of ground since leaving the Peaks and had found a bench that was secluded from the little traffic in the place, on the way they had passed a team of emergency medical staff that were in a great hurry. "All right, now that we're alone is there anything else you wanted to mention?" Loela was perched on the edge of the bench and made a moui with her lips as she thought. "There's nothing else to report." "What about this Klingon you mentioned?" "As I said she seemed able and got excited at one point, calling in Dr. Walsh. Do you think she found something?" "Is it possible she could have gotten a hold of one of the uncorrupted samples?" Loelas gave a grimace. "It's possible I suppose." Jon swore. "We need to make sure, I want that sample switched with a corrupted one, there's no room for error, not with StarFleet and their resources here early." "But the sample will be locked away for the night and can't be opened except by the senior medical staff in the morning." "You have a way in." He fixed her with a piercing gaze. She shuddered. "A transporter would be so much easier and safer." "I have access to a working tranporter but the energy signature will be noted by the ships overhead, I can't risk it." "All right." She aquiesced. "If you use that personal phase cloak too often it can scamble your DNA." "You haven't used it since we were stationed here and it will be a quick in and out, you only need a sample to take with you, after you leave the premises get rid of that other sample quickly." "All right," She gave him a grin. " You sure you wouldn't like me to visit your place for a bit first?" He gave her a lopsided grin, "If you do this I'll reward you with a lengthy visit tonight." She got up with a flounce and stood over him for an instant, her considerable, firm cleavage nearly level with his eyes, he enjoyed the view for a second before looking up into her blue-green orbs. He smiled "Don't take too long, I'd hate to get started late, we're going to have a busy day tomorrow." "Look for me in an hour," She breathed, lowering her pouting lips till they were only inches from his which had begun tingling. She lingered there for an instant then gave a gloating smile and turned away and walked off quickly, her rounded hips swaying in a hypnotic fashion. "Damn can they pick 'em!" he murmered to himself as she rounded a corner but not before throwing him a beaming smile. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Science labs – NPC Lab Technician Loela Chenault– 2315) Loela moved through the darkened corridors of the building housing the emergency facilities until coming to the doors leading to the medical labs, here she would need to present her credentials before entering which would be foolhardy unless she wanted everyone to know what she was about to do. She checked the pocket with the vial that was like the one K'Palla had placed in the vault and steeling herself activated the unit in the handbag she was carrying, there was an instant of disorientation as it kicked in, she waited for the feeling of nausea to pass which it did quickly, she had trained with it before and it was easier each time. ~But also more dangerous.~ As soon as she had her "legs" under her she stepped through the closed door and made her way to the rear of the labs where the vault was housed, not turning aside to avoid table or equipment, the anyon emissions the phase-cloak would leave behind would dissipate with a few hours. Past a couple of offices and standing berfore the vault she shrugged wondering why she was delaying then stepped through the thick door. It was a matter of minutes before she had located the slot for K'Palla's sample and switched the phase-cloak off. On her hands were gloves made of microns thick material which would cancel out her fingerprints, she took out the sample the Klingon had been studying and replaced it with the sample that was engineered to react to animals as well as humans and put the good sample in her handbag then closed the drawer. Switching the phase-cloak back on she then hurried from the labs. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (Beta Aquari III – Private residence - NPC's Jon Drummond and Loela Chenault– 2340) Jon was lounging in a comfortable chair watching the news which was satisfyingly tragic today what with the riots and assorted panic that the virus was engendering when the chime to his apartment rang, smiling he stood up and moved to the door. "Enter." The door opened to reveal the honey-blonde seductress standing outside, her face was slightly pale but her smile was bright. "Come in Loela, don't just stand there." "Sorry," She said as she stepped inside. "Still feeling a bit peaked, could I have a glass of wine to steady me?" "Already ahead of you." he moved to the bar near the kitchen and poured two glasses of Pinot Noir, holding them both he made his way to the couch she had seated herself on and handed her a glass. As she sipped at it he took a satisfying draught. "How did it go?" "Well," She leaned back to get comfortable. "I incinerated the sample as ordered. Give me a minute and I'll be right as rain, this is a good wine." She did have some color returning to her cheeks. "Excellent, that will give them something to think about tomorrow and set them back a day or two as they try to figure out what went wrong." A while later as they sat drinking their wine she set the remains of her second glass on the coffee table and waited for him to set his down also before leaning close to him, she looked healthy and vital now, positively glowing with sexual energy. Jon could smell her intoxicating perfume as he slid his left arm around her back and drew her in, her luscious lips meeting his in a soft embrace. He could taste the wine on her lips as he pressed his more firmly against hers and she pressed back hungrily. Her lips parted allowing him to taste the saltiness of her mouth causing a thrill to vibrate through his body. ~Glad she's on our side.~ He thought whimsically as he pushed against her, forcing her onto her back on the couch, her marvelous breasts making soft mounds beneath his chest as his hands slid down her sides, delighting in the feel of her body which would soon be his. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== Hope you enjoyed!